Saturday, 3 June 2017

Theories of Ethics
1. Describe 3 basic facts about each theory.
2. Compare and contrast 3 elements that make the first theory you chose different from the second.
3. List three questions you have about this theory.
4. What are some of the fundamental concepts that guide this theorist´s thinking?
5. Given an example of a question this theorist might ask.
6. Describe the types of information this theorist might use or collect
7. In a paragraph or less, explain how this theorist might react to the following scenario:
Michael is dying of leukemia and is being treated in the hospital with chemotherapy. Lucy is one of the registered nurses involved in Michael's care. In caring for him, she learns that he has never received information about alternative natural therapies. She gives Michael the information and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the various alternatives. After extensive reflection and consultation with his family, Michael decides to leave the hospital and to make arrangements to try one of the alternatives therapies. He informs the attending oncologist of his decision. When the oncologist learns about the source of Michael´s information, he charges Lucy with unprofessional conduct and asks that her nursing license be revoked. Lucy, however, argues that the patient has the right to know about alternatives and that a failure to inform him vitiates his "informed consent" to the chemotherapy.
Case Study Source:
Degrazia, D. & Mappes, T.A., (2006). Biomedical ethics (6th ed.). Boston: McGraw Hill
** Scoring Rubric
1. Two theorists are selected; and relevant and accurate facts about each theory are identified
2. Each theorist’s perspective is presented factually and interpretations are well-reasoned
3. Comparison and contrast of the two theories
4. Case evaluation from the theorist’s perspective
5. Questions about the theories
6. Clarity of expression including style, grammar and proper use of APA format

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