Monday 14 December 2015

Provide three pieces of advice for marketers seeking to use digital technology as part of their marketing strategy

Provide three pieces of advice for marketers seeking to use digital technology as part of their marketing strategy. Your answers should include appropriate academic references and, where necessary, evidence from marketing practice.
The following 10 pieces of advice are specifically designed for a 2,000 word essay:
1. Answer the question. I have failed well-written and thoroughly researched essays simply because they did not answer the question set. Read the question carefully. What are the key words? It might help to repeat key words from the question throughout the essay, to ensure that you’re staying on track. If you’re unsure, speak to me after lectures and seminars, on the blackboard discussion board or come to see me during my office hours.
2. Presentation. As an examiner, a nicely presented and well-structured essay provides a positive first impression and makes our job easier. For this essay, follow the basic stylistic instructions:
o Typeface: Calibri, Arial or Times New Roman
o Size 12 (headings 14 and bold)
o Either 1.5 or double spaced
3. Structure, subheadings and word allocations. Subheadings are a necessary part of extended written pieces of work. They force you to focus on essay structure and flow and can be helpful if you need to cross-reference parts of the essay. Keep it simple, I do not want to see dozens of subheadings in a 2000 word essay. The following is a guide only (feel free to use a different structure); the important thing is that the three main pieces of advice are allocated similar attention.
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