Sunday, 28 May 2017

Using Farewell My Lovely as the primary source, write a response to one of the following topics.
Topic #3
In Farewell My Lovely, Philip Marlowe spends a good amount of time walking around Central Ave., an area that experienced a

significant amount of integration in the years before WWII. Chandler had a difficult task: to represent a largely African American

community that had rarely been represented before from a “realistic” perspective–25 years before the Civil Rights movement.

Therefore, he had to represent bigots as they were: bigots. But he also had to differentiate these bigots from people who were

relatively open-minded for the time, including the character Marlowe himself. Yet sometimes it is difficult to tell the difference

between bigoted language and behaviors from respectful language and behaviors, because the entire era was segregated. For instance,

Marlowe’s referring to African Americans as “Negroes” and/or “colored” was respectful in 1940, but today would sound ignorant or

uninformed. This ignorance can be seen with relationships with other characters in the book, including “Indians” and people from

Chinese and Japanese descent, among others as well.* Using a good number of specific examples throughout the text, and including

academically acceptable sources to better understand the historical background, discuss Marlowe’s relationships with characters

with these backgrounds, and explain to the reader to what extent you feel like he is “respectful” to these communities as compared

with “bigoted” or “ignorant?”*
Organizing Suggestions:
1) Your essay should have an introductory paragraph that includes a thesis statement.
2) Your essay should have a brief summary of who the main character is, what he initially sets out to do, and a bit of info

about who/what seems to get in his way. This may be part of the introductory paragraph or a paragraph of its own, but it should be

early in the essay
3) Are you doing something that might require a definition for the reader? For instance, are you writing on “gothic,” and the

reader may need to know what you think that means? Go ahead and add a paragraph on that early on, so the reader understands what

you mean by the terms.
4) Your essay should have a concluding paragraph.
Possible organization of body paragraphs:
1) Topic sentence (What are you going to discuss in this particular paragraph?)
2) Help the reader understand what is going on at the time of the quote (Where is this scene taking place? Who is there? What

is going on?)
3) Cite quote
4) Explain Quote! How/Why does it show your thesis is correct?

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