Friday, 30 March 2018

Explain the role of cloud computing, traceability, RFID and other ERP solutions as per your experience which you gained from this project

Explain the role of cloud computing, traceability, RFID and other ERP solutions as per your experience which you gained from this project
To assess your understanding regarding the use of tools as well as digital marketing techniques for an organization (Created or Chosen by you in Assignment-1)of your choice.
Action Items
1 Explain the role of cloud computing, traceability, RFID and other ERP solutions as per your experience which you gained from this project.
2 Evaluate the effectiveness of E-Procurement and E-Auction.
3 Discuss the industry response towards the use of ICT and various tools discussed above.
4 Also analyze your business and process as per below points:
Usability Modeling of ICT and other resources (UM)
a. Finding the optimal solution
b. Cost and Schedule Analysis
c. Recommending and Implementing the resources
Web-enabled Supply Chains (WEB)
a. A Web-enabled Procurement System
b. A Web-enabled order tracking system
c. Warehouse Management System
d. Customer Relationship Management
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Choose two of the empirical studies from that list and post the references and persistent links for the studies.

Choose two of the empirical studies from that list and post the references and persistent links for the studies.
Identify the research method and research design used in each of those studies. Did the research method and research design align to each study's problem, purpose, research questions, and hypotheses/phenomena? Why or why not? How does concept of alignment apply to your dissertation literature review? Explain.
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dissertation topic? Will your study use an inductive or a deductive approach? Why? Given the choice of an inductive or a deductive approach, which research method and design most closely align to your chosen approach? Explain.

What is your dissertation topic? Will your study use an inductive or a deductive approach? Why? Given the choice of an inductive or a deductive approach, which research method and design most closely align to your chosen approach? Explain.
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Some parents refuse to have their children vaccinated. What is the scientific evidence concerning the safety of vaccinations?

Some parents refuse to have their children vaccinated. What is the scientific evidence concerning the safety of vaccinations? You will need a reference. Should parents be forced to vaccinate their children in order to protect the rest of society against the reemergence of killers, such as measles or polio?
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Virtual Bypass Surgery

Virtual Bypass Surgery
Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States. One procedure to treat blockage in the arteries of the heart is bypass surgery. Someone you know may have already had this procedure; however, few people really realize what occurs during the surgery. The following lab will guide you through the steps of a virtual bypass surgery.
1. Identify the major structures and functions of the cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary, digestive, and immune systems.
2. Evaluate various risk factors for diseases within body systems.
3. Relate homeostatic imbalances to disease states.
4. Discuss various treatments, cures, and procedures for common diseases.
Computer with internet access
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2. Click on ENTER
3. Click on ANATOMY to review the anatomy of the heart.
4. When you are ready to conduct the surgery:
a. Select INTERN from the three choices provided (Intern, Surgeon, Specialist). This will allow you more time.
b. Make sure you read all information on the screen.
5. Type all answers directly on the data sheet. All answers must be written in complete sentences.
6. Select Save As, and use your last name and student ID as a file name.
7. Upload the data sheet as a .doc, .docx, or .rtf file when finished.
Questions 1 – 10 are short answer questions and should be answered in two to three words or one to two complete sentences. Total: 60 points
1. Which chamber of the heart receives oxygen-depleted blood from the superior and inferior vena cava? (6 points)
2. Which chamber of the heart pumps oxygenated blood to the rest of the body? (6 points)
3. How much blood can the heart move the through the body in an average lifetime? (6 points)
4. How is the patient’s anxiety level reduced before surgery? (6 points)
5. What are the responsibilities of the perfusionist? (6 points)
6. What are the responsibilities of the anaesthetist? (6 points)
7. What vein is harvested from the leg to be grafted to the heart? (6 points)
8. What is the name of the membranous sac that encloses the heart? (6 points)
9. What is injected into the heart to stop it from beating? (6 points)
10. In your own words, what is the purpose of the drug protamine? (6 points)
Question 11 is an extended response question. Your response should go into significant detail and should be at least 200 words. Total: 40 points
1. The American Heart Association is a national voluntary health agency to help reduce disability and death from cardiovascular diseases and stroke. Click here or copy and paste the URL below into your web browser to read the article and answer the question:
11. Based on the key screening tests recommended for optimal cardiovascular health and coronary heart disease risk factors listed, what are your risk factors? Are you healthy? Do you know the answers to all of the tests listed? What are some things that you might change in your life or your family’s lives in order to reduce your risk factors? You can view helpful information under each of the tabs at the top of the site.
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Describe an emerging trend in healthcare information technology has started recently? Do you feel this trend will last? Why, or why not?

Describe an emerging trend in healthcare information technology has started recently? Do you feel this trend will   last? Why, or why not?
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Olson & Olson mention that there might be some times when distant interactions can be better than face-to-face exchanges in terms of collaboration.

Olson & Olson mention that there might be some times when distant interactions can be better than face-to-face exchanges in terms of collaboration. Can you think of any times when a distant interaction with a colleague might be preferable over a collocated exchange? Among four key considerations for successful distance work (i.e. common ground, coupling of work, collaboration readiness and collaboration technical readiness) which do you feel is the most important and why? Draw from related literature to justify your standings.
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What procedures should a healthcare worker do when handling medical records in healthcare facilities? Why is this important?

What procedures should a healthcare worker do when handling medical records in healthcare facilities? Why is this important?
2. As a medical coder, what are the uses for indexes and registers with health data collection?
3. What are the impacts of health data collection with the use of medical records (electronic health records, personal health records, etc.) on the healthcare facility?
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At what levels within an organization should management development training be offered?

At what levels within an organization should management development training be offered? Do you think that this type of training should only be offered to current managers or do you think that management development training should be something that is offered to all employees for their future benefit or management opportunities? Why?
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You are right in stating that training programs can be difficult if budget constraints won't allow for the added expense to run them

You are right in stating that training programs can be difficult if budget constraints won't allow for the added expense to run them. I would like to also focus on something else you also mentioned, which is employee retention. Employee retention is one of the most important elements that HR can focus on for any company.
Everyone must set professional and personal goals to be successful and employee retention percentages or numbers is a great professional goal to meet. Employee training programs were mentioned as part of employee retention because employees will be more willing to maintain loyalty with a company if they feel that the company is working hard for them. Management is responsible for helping this cause because they are the people working with the employees on a daily basis. Management should receive more training then other employees to ensure they understand and have to skills to implement employee retention strategies. What are some things you think about be involved with employee retention training? Why?
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Do you think that a combination of these two will help in retaining employees?

As a mentor for new faculty members here at the University, I have the opportunity to help newly trained faculty members teach their first online class, which is a lot of fun and very rewarding. I find that new faculty members are very eager to get off on the right foot just like I know new employees are when starting a new job. I ask the class if you think classroom style training or mentoring is more valuable and effective? This can be a tough question to answer because there is a number of positive elements of both. Which situation would you implement as an HR manager? Or would you use a combination of the two and why? Do you think that a combination of these two will help in retaining employees?
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Would anyone like to share an experience about your own career planning experiences and how you're planning has worked for you to this point?

Would anyone like to share an experience about your own career planning experiences and how you're planning has worked for you to this point? If you were an HR manager in a smaller organization where there isn't much of an opportunity for advancement or management positions, how might you help employees interesting in career development opportunities?
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Cross training will give employees the ability to take on new responsibilities and tasks and perhaps learn more about a position that they might be better suited for in the future

Cross training will give employees the ability to take on new responsibilities and tasks and perhaps learn more about a position that they might be better suited for in the future. I would like to add something that relates to organizational behavior. We all have talents and skills that will help a company in various ways if used properly. Some companies are not as competitive as they could be because they are not utilizing individual's skills appropriately. Companies must learn how to read and understand organizational behavior as it relates to individual talents and skills so people can be placed into the most beneficial position for the company and the individual. My family company has taken employees and shifted them around into different positions because they have a greater impact on the overall success of the company. People are never put into lower-profile positions; however, some employees are better suited for different positions where they can create the most opportunity for themselves and help the company growth. That being said, are there times or types of organizations where cross-training may not be of benefit? What factors determine how effective cross training would be and why it's a viable option for organizational development?
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How does the creation of the Department of Homeland Security affect resources traditionally designated for local criminal justice organizations?

Case Study - The Department of Homeland Security
1.How does the creation of the Department of Homeland Security affect resources traditionally designated for local criminal justice organizations?
2.Are there too few resources to fight both terrorists and traditional criminals?
3.Who should pay the burden for investigating, apprehending, prosecuting, convicting, sentencing, and incarcerating terrorists?
4.Should Osama Bin Laden have been taken alive?
5.What are the due process protection questions in light of the creation of the Department of Homeland Security?
6.Should these due process protections matter in the fight against terrorism?
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AlAmal Hospital is expecting its new center to generate the following cash flows:

Q1: AlAmal Hospital is expecting its new center to generate the following cash flows:
Years 0 1 2 3 4 5
Initial investment ($30,000,000)
Net operating cash flows $6,000,000 $8,000,000 $16,000,000 $20,000,000
a. Determine the payback for this new center.
b. Determine the net present value using a cost of capital of 15 percent.Should the project be accepted?
Q2. Assume a zero coupon Bond with a $1000 Par Value and 15-year maturity, calculate its rate of return if the market price equal $315.240.
Q3. A tax exempt bond was issued at a 10% coupon bond and a maturity of 15 years. The Par Value of the bond is $1000.
At what required market rate (10%, 5% or 14%) does the above bond sell at a discount? At a premium?
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In What Was Volkswagen ThinkingV’ Jerry tiseern (2016) presents Diane VaughaWs theory & the normalizacon & deviance and includes a variety of corporate examples that demonstrate the effect of her theory

In What Was Volkswagen ThinkingV’ Jerry tiseern (2016) presents Diane VaughaWs theory & the normalizacon & deviance and includes a variety of corporate examples that demonstrate the effect of her theory.
In your response, bnefiy explain Vaughan’s theory. Explain how this type of communication within one of the organizations (Ford Motor Company. NASA% BR Goodrich. and Volkswagen) altered the behavior of the employees
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Historical Timeline of the Fire Service

Historical Timeline of the Fire Service
It is important to understand where the fire service came from in order to help shape its future. Tradition is steep within the fire service, so understanding the challenges along the way helps you appreciate the need to honor tradition, yet be willing to let go at times in order to improve this honored profession. In this assignment, you are to develop a graphic timeline, using the Microsoft Word Shapes or SmartArt features, for the significant events in the history of the fire service, from the Roman Republic up to the present. Also include your department or the department that protects your community if you are not currently in the fire service. Include such items as the development of apparatus, major events that shaped today’s fire service, and important figures that were prominent in helping the fire service develop. You need to use at least two different sources in developing this timeline. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.
Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.
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Cross training will give employees the ability to take on new responsibilities and tasks and perhaps learn more about a position that they might be better suited for in the future

Cross training will give employees the ability to take on new responsibilities and tasks and perhaps learn more about a position that they might be better suited for in the future. I would like to add something that relates to organizational behavior. We all have talents and skills that will help a company in various ways if used properly. Some companies are not as competitive as they could be because they are not utilizing individual's skills appropriately. Companies must learn how to read and understand organizational behavior as it relates to individual talents and skills so people can be placed into the most beneficial position for the company and the individual. My family company has taken employees and shifted them around into different positions because they have a greater impact on the overall success of the company. People are never put into lower-profile positions; however, some employees are better suited for different positions where they can create the most opportunity for themselves and help the company growth. That being said, are there times or types of organizations where cross-training may not be of benefit? What factors determine how effective cross training would be and why it's a viable option for organizational development?
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Write a research paper drawing upon your readings of the issues and problems facing many aspects of community colleges today.

Write a research paper drawing upon your readings of the issues and problems facing many aspects of community colleges today. Select one of the statements below AND prepare a comprehensive answer of the topic and critically apply the broad conclusions to the improvement of a community college with which you are familiar. The research paper should include a sufficient number of sources from the three required textbooks (The American Community College 6th ed. by Cohen, Brawer, and Kisker)(Kozerkacki-New Directions for Community Colleges) and other recommended readings about the community college. The research paper should be from 8 to 10 pages, excluding the title page and reference page following APA manual style (6th ed.).
Analyze the purpose, goals and expectations of the community college in its development in American Higher Education.
Summarize the trends and patterns of funding used for community colleges in the U.S.
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Being A Skilled Manager And Leader

Being A Skilled Manager And Leader
The electronic reserve readings this week provide information on a myriad of topics that are interesting and relevant! I'd like to focus on the job of managers needing to utilize the best skills from all employees, which is very true! Most people cannot wait to be a manager and get the keys to the kingdom so they can lead a group of people the way they want. However, being a manager is not an easy task for most organizations that I have seen and experienced because of the amount of work, duties, and responsibilities that mangers take on. Each time we have trained new manager for the family business as well as when I still owned my former glass business, we would train these new people based on the duties as well as what it takes to be a good manager with their people. This required new manager to seek out skills and strengths from all of their employees that would help the mangers determine what would be the most efficient and productive when it came to assigning work. Managers not only have to be good a managing people but they also need to be good leaders and motivators as well or they cannot survive the rigors of management. What are some things that you would say to new managers at your organization that would create better leaders and motivators?
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Understanding the Flow of Negotiations: Stages and Phases

Understanding the Flow of Negotiations: Stages and Phases
A. The typical steps or flow in a negotiation can be found in the phase models of negotiation:
1. Initiation.
2. Problem solving.
3. Resolution.
Defines these three phases and give a thorough example of each.
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Imagine that the leadership team has requested you, as the training manager, to revitalize the management development strategy

Imagine that the leadership team has requested you, as the training manager, to revitalize the management development strategy. As a part of the task, you are asked to consider executive-level leaders as well.
Create a report of no more than 1,050 words that outlines an approach to revitalize management development programs within a small engineering firm.
Write a report that includes the following components:
•Alternatives for employee development
•Considerations for management development
•Role of executive coaching and mentoring in management development
•The succession planning process and its relationship to management development Cite any outside sources according to APA formatting guidelines.
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Select A Specific Governance Plan That Exists At A Company Or A Plan Framework From An Organization

Select A Specific Governance Plan That Exists At A Company Or A Plan Framework From An Organization. Write A 2- Page Paper On Three Or Four Of The Most Important Suggestions From The Plan You Select.
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Calculate the amount of cash over or cash short for each day

Miller Enterprises deposits the cash received during each day at the end of the day. Miller deposited $48,403 on October 3 and $50,203 on October 4. Cash register records and other documents supporting the deposits are summarized as follows:
10/310/4Cash sales$36,790$40,390Collections on account10,8859,828Total receipts$47,675$50,218
Required:1.Calculate the amount of cash over or cash short for each day.2.Prepare the journal entry to record the receipt and deposit of cash on October 3.3.Prepare the journal entry to record the receipt and deposit of cash on October 4.
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Team Leadership/Management Style

Team Leadership/Management Style
Part 1: According to the Sarin and O’Connor (2009) article, certain style and goal structures of team leaders have a strong influence on internal team dynamics. Based on your research within the article and textbook, as well as your own experience, what team leader management style would be most effective in leading a team in which you were a member?
Part 2: DeRue, Barnes, and Morgeson (2010) found that team leadership style effectiveness depended on the level of charisma exhibited by the leader. Drawing from the article and the textbook, have you ever worked for a charismatic leader? What style (coaching or directing) did that leader administer? Was he or she effective in leading you as part of the team?
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Describe the channels of distribution structure you will use to get your product or service into the market.

Marketing Strategy—Distribution Guidelines and Rubric
Overview: In this milestone, you will describe the channels of distribution structure you will use to get your product or service into the market.
In doing so, be sure to identify:
 The rationale for the structure you have selected.
 How you will work with your channel members to help them promote your product to the ultimate consumer. This may include push and pull
promotional strategies. How will you manufacture your product, warehouse it, and move the product to the next channel level?
 What should your channel members expect from you, the manufacturer (marketer) of your product? How will your organization be structured to accomplish this?
If you will have a sales force (or someone who assumes the selling function), discuss the selection, compensation, training, and management of your sales staff.
If, on the other hand, you are selling directly to the end user (direct channel), also discuss this here.
If you are providing a service to your target market, you fulfill the responsibilities of a direct-channel service provider. You will probably not use intermediaries
(i.e., wholesalers, brokers, retailers, etc.). Instead, describe how you will provide the services that you will offer your target market. (Note: The product description section describes what you will provide). As a service provider, describe your physical facility, how you will deliver your service, and other aspects that suggest you are taking that which is intangible and making it tangible.
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Industrial Hygiene PowerPoint Presentation

Industrial Hygiene PowerPoint Presentation
Create a 10- to 15-slide PowerPoint presentation (not counting the title and reference slides) that provides an overview ofindustrial hygiene. You may use the textbook, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) booklet onindustrial hygiene, the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA)website, and other sources as you see fit. Be sure to create a reference slide that cites all sources using APA format.Include the following information in your presentation:
Define industrial hygiene, and include information regarding the work of early pioneers in the field of industrial hygiene.
Describe how the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 advanced the field of industrial hygiene.
Discuss the major U.S. industrial hygiene organizations, such as OSHA, AIHA, the National Institute for OccupationalSafety and Health (NIOSH), and the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), and definetheir roles in industrial hygiene and the protection of workers from hazards in the workplace. (You may include foreignorganizations if you are currently working outside of the United States.)
Briefly describe the code of ethics for industrial hygienists.
Explain the impact of federal regulations on workplace safety and health.
Define the types of hazards addressed by industrial hygienists.
Discuss the types of control methods used by industrial hygienists.
Describe the role industrial hygiene plays in an injury and illness prevention program.
Use the notes section within PowerPoint to create the dialogue or script that you would use when speaking to the audienceabout the information presented on each slide. Your PowerPoint presentation should be constructed using Times NewRoman font, and the slides should not contain a font smaller than 30 points; 28 points should be the absolute minimum.
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Briefly describe how supportive and interpersonal psychotherapies are similar.

Briefly describe how supportive and interpersonal psychotherapies are similar.
• Explain at least three differences between these therapies. Include how these differences might impact your practice as a mental health counselor.
• Explain which therapeutic approach you might use with clients and why. Support your approach with evidence-based literature.

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Describe the client (without violating HIPAA regulations) and identify any pertinent history or medical information, including prescribed medications.

Select a client whom you observed or counseled this week. Then, address the following in your Practicum Journal:
• Describe the client (without violating HIPAA regulations) and identify any pertinent history or medical information, including prescribed medications.
• Using the DSM-5, explain and justify your diagnosis for this client.
• Explain whether motivational interviewing would be effective with this client. Include expected outcomes based on this therapeutic approach. Support your approach with evidence-based literature.
• Explain any legal and/or ethical implications related to counseling this client.
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Select a client whom you observed or counseled that suffers from a disorder related to trauma

Select a client whom you observed or counseled that suffers from a disorder related to trauma. Then, address the following in your Practicum Journal:
• Describe the client (without violating HIPAA regulations) and identify any pertinent history or medical information, including prescribed medications.
• Using the DSM-5, explain and justify your diagnosis for this client.
• Explain whether any of the therapeutic approaches in this week’s Learning Resources would be effective with this client. Include expected outcomes based on these therapeutic approaches. Support your approach with evidence-based literature.
• Explain any legal and/or ethical implications related to counseling this client.
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Identify and describe the six major processes involved in gastrointestinal activity.

The Digestive System
Utilizing knowledge from your learning and assigned readings, respond to the following questions:
1. Identify and describe the six major processes involved in gastrointestinal activity.
2. What role do hormones play in hunger and satiety?
3. Outline the usual pathway for digestion and absorption of triglycerides (fats).
4. Explain the role of the hormones cholecystokinin and secretin in regulating the release of bile and pancreatic juices.
5. Why is it necessary for the stomach contents to be so acidic? How does the stomach protect itself from digestion?
6. Identify three ways the small intestine is modified to increase the surface area for digestion and absorption.
7. Trace and discuss the complete movement of a bolus of food entering and exiting the human via the digestive system.
Define the meaning of these terms:
1. Gastric glands
2. Brunner’s gland
3. Ductal cells
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What are the statistical advantages of paired data values?

What are the statistical advantages of paired data values?

How much should Richter report as cash and equivalents on its balance sheet?

Cash Reporting
Richter Industries has the following items:
Customer checks that have not been deposited 850
U.S. government bonds that originally maturing in 3 months 11,000
U.S. government bonds that originally maturing in 12 months 14,000
Cash in saving and checking accounts 50,000
Certificates of deposits that originally maturing in 18 months 47,000
How much should Richter report as cash and equivalents on its balance sheet?
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Leaders: Are They Born or Made?

Leaders: Are They Born or Made?
Purpose of Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is for learners to gain extensive knowledge about the origin of leaders and leadership theories.
Assignment Steps
Resources: Management: A Practical Introduction.
Create a 3-4 slide PowerPoint® presentation justifying the team's conclusion(s) about whether leaders are born or made. CONCLUSION: Leaders are MADE NOT BORN
· Justify the team's position using relevant research.
Format the assignment consistent with APA guidelines
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Factors to consider when making changes during the improvement phase.

Factors to consider when making changes during the improvement phase.

explore the field of human services with emphasis on its history and the effects, both positive and negative, it has had on people.

explore the field of human services with emphasis on its history and the effects, both positive and negative, it has had on people. This assignment allows you to identify and follow the evolution of the influence of social policy, theory, and outcomes of practices on human services delivery. The activities in this assignment will introduce students to the types of activities that have influenced real-world administrative roles. At the end of the assignment, you will be able to conceptualize how the policy and practice issues influence the operation of human services agencies.
Tasks: Select and research an issue in human services history that has impacted the delivery of services. In a 5-6 page report, complete the following:
•Describe the issue, its background, and the key people who were involved. •Explain how the issue or these key people have changed or defined human services.
•Discuss the issue and the key people's impact on theory, practices, and ethics, and how these issues have changed service delivery systems.
•Evaluate and discuss if the changes are still evident today or have become extinct. Examples of issues may include, but are not limited to, the Civil Rights Movement, Family Medical Leave Act, GI Bill, work/life balance, and childhood vaccinations.
Submission Details:
Your response should rely upon at least three sources from professional literature. This may include the Argosy University online library resources, relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, or .gov). Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e., APA format); and use accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
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When Looked At Together, Do These Films Warn Audiences About The Relationship Between Love And Technology Or Do They Embrace It?

When Looked At Together, Do These Films Warn Audiences About The Relationship Between Love And Technology Or Do They Embrace It?
What, specifically, are they worried about? And, similarly, if they are embracing it, what aspects are they embracing?
You must cite all three films in your essay and support you position with clear and precise references to specific scenes
Movies: Eternal Sunshine, You've got mail and San Junipero (Black Mirror)
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The Skilled Helper Model in Practice

The Skilled Helper Model in Practice
You read about the Skilled Helper Model. For the Discussion question, you are going to put it into practice. You will be taking on the role as both the client and the coach.
For your initial response to the Discussion question, you will approach this from the perspective of the client.
Think of a situation in your professional life where you could use some help, then ‘tell your story’.
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Make an argument for or against custom threat mitigation approaches versus standard threat mitigation approaches

Make an argument for or against custom threat mitigation approaches versus standard threat mitigation approaches

Relative to STRIDE, which aspect (i.e. Spoofing, Tampering, Repudiation, etc) can be effectively addressed using the "wait and see" approach and yet still not expose a system to more risk.

Relative to STRIDE, which aspect (i.e. Spoofing, Tampering, Repudiation, etc) can be effectively addressed using the "wait and see" approach and yet still not expose a system to more risk.
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What are the challenges in measuring the impact of health and wellbeing initiatives?

What are the challenges in measuring the impact of health and wellbeing initiatives?
2) What examples of impact measurement are given in the article?
3) What other organisational imperatives can health and wellbeing support?
Care of staff is top of the agenda
By Alison Maitland ‐ June 3rd, 2005 
Handling more than 3m passenger journeys a day on the capital’s tube system, employees of London Underground frequently find themselves in highly pressured situations.
Three years ago, LU highlighted the costs of stress‐related absence and secured funding for a health plan to tackle it. LU, which receives a “big tick” in this year’s Business in the Community (BITC) awards for
excellence, introduced a stress reduction programme using cognitive behavioural therapy to help employees better understand and cope with stress.
Managers were also given a toolkit including guides on handling stress, advice cards on how to conduct back‐to‐work interviews with staff returning from sickness absence, “relaxation CDs” containing
information and exercises, and a dedicated email address for requests for help with stress problems.
Sickness absence has fallen by considerably more than LU’s initial target. According to figures submitted to BITC, this has generated annual savings of £455,000, equal to a return on investment of 8:1.
The stress programme is short‐listed along with initiatives by six other organisations, including AstraZeneca, Ernst & Young and 3M, for the UnumProvident Healthy Workplaces Award. It is one of three new awards that, combined with many entries to established awards, underline how treatment of employees has become a vital strand of corporate responsibility.
“To be a responsible business today, to engage in the global debate about corporate social responsibility and to blow away the hot air that swirls around the subject, any business needs to start by being a
responsible employer,” says Julia Cleverdon, chief executive of Business in the Community.
“What doesn’t work and doesn’t achieve a positive impact on society is to attempt to bolt social responsibility on to existing structures by throwing time, money and effort at neighbourhood renewal or
the environment while your own people at work are lacking in motivation and skills and your supply chains feel badly treated.”
National Grid Transco, another short‐listed company, found an imaginative way to encourage its 14,000 UK employees to take action to improve workplace health and safety. The international energy delivery
business launched a “safety charity challenge” in which the company donated money to Mencap and Enable, the disability charities, each time an employee identified a hazard at work that was subsequently
removed. The scope was broadened in 2001 to include reducing traffic accidents involving Transco vehicles.
Employees were also able to choose local charities to benefit from half of the donation, with the other half going to Mencap and Enable. Work‐related injuries fell to 117 in 2003‐4, the company’s lowest‐ever annual
figure, from 543 in 1998. The Healthy Workplaces award links into BITC’s newest campaign, Business Action on Health, by recognising different ways in which companies can improve the wellbeing of their employees.
New research conducted for the campaign jointly by BITC and vielife, a consultancy on workplace health and productivity, finds that business leaders are interested in employee health and wellbeing but are
uncertain about how to measure them or indeed about what matters to the business.
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Target Corporation is the second-largest discount store retailer in the United States, behind Walmart, and a component of the S&P 500 Index.

Assignment No: 2 Marketing Plan Report
Target Corporation is the second-largest discount store retailer in the United States, behind Walmart, and a component of the S&P 500 Index. Founded by George Dayton and headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the company was originally named Good fellow Dry Goods in June 1902 before being renamed the Dayton's Dry Goods Company in 1903 and later the Dayton Company in 1910. The first Target store opened in Roseville, Minnesota in 1962 while the parent company was renamed the Dayton Corporation in 1967. It became the Dayton-Hudson Corporation after merging with the J.L. Hudson Company in 1969 and held ownership of several department store chains including Dayton's, Hudson's, Marshall Field's, and Mervyn's.
Target established itself as the highest-earning division of the Dayton-Hudson Corporation in the 1970s; it began expanding the store nationwide in the 1980s and introduced new store formats under the Target brand in the 1990s. The company has found success as a cheap-chic player in the industry. The parent company was renamed the Target Corporation in 2000 and divested itself of its last department store chains in 2004. It suffered from a massive and highly publicized security breach of customer credit card data and the failure of its short-lived Canadian subsidiaryin the early 2010s but experienced revitalized success with its expansion in urban markets within the United States.
As of 2017, Target operates 1,834 stores throughout the United States. Their retail formats include the discount store Target, the hypermarket SuperTarget, and "flexible format" stores previously named CityTarget and TargetExpress before being consolidated under the Target branding. Target is often recognized for its emphasis on "the needs of its younger, image-conscious shoppers," whereas its rival Walmart more heavily relies on its strategy of "always low prices.
Target Corporation decide to start its discount store in Saudi Arabia. The Target management hired you as Marketing Manager for its Saudi Arabia operation. You have to establish marketing department starting from the Analysis of market, formulate overall marketing goals, objectives, strategies and tactics within the context of an organization's business, mission, and goals designing and planning the entire function.
1. To establish the marketing function of Target Corporation, Saudi Arabia, you have to formulate the followings:
a. Vision
b. Mission
c. Businessobjective.
d. Product and type ofservices.
2. Develop a marketing Plan for Target Corporation,Saudi Arabia. Define the SWOT analysis for Target Corporation, Saudi Arabia.
3. Analyze the Micro and Macro environment of the Target Corporation, Saudi Arabia.
4. How Target Corporation, Saudi Arabia will establish, develop, and enhance mutually beneficial relationships with customers? Discuss all the activities to establish, develop, and maintain customer sales?
5. Identify the various consumer decision processes for the Target Corporation customer?
6. How will you establish the market research for making better decision to establish and enhance the marketing?
7. How Target Corporation, KSA will evaluate market segments and choose the best ones to serve? How it will create value propositions to meet the requirements of target customers?
8. How Target Corporation, KSA will manage all of their products and services? What are the steps in the best development process for new products?
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How Far Do You Agree With The Management That Performance Appraisal Should Be Discontinued?

How Far Do You Agree With The Management That Performance Appraisal Should Be Discontinued? 2. If You Were The HR Manager, How Would You Tackle The Situation? 3. What Modifications Would You Suggest In The Performance Appraisal System Of The Company?
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Abolishing the Electoral College in favor of a National Popular Vote.

Abolishing the Electoral College in favor of a National Popular Vote.

Non-experimental Quantitative experimental

select one design from each of the following categories.
Quantitative experimental
Mixed methods
Survey research
Pretest-posttest control group
Posttest-only control group
Solomon four-group
Grounded theory
Participatory action research (PAR)
Visit the Research Methods research guide in the Ashford University Library and search the databases for a minimum of one peer-reviewed journal article published within the last 10 years about each of the research designs you selected. The articles must not be research studies using the designs. Instead, they must be about how to conduct a study using the design. Examples of acceptable articles for this assignment are listed at the Suggested Articles tab in the Research Methods research guide.
In your paper, briefly outline the topic you selected for your Final Research Proposal in Week One and apply the scientific method by suggesting both a specific research question and a hypothesis for the topic. Evaluate your chosen peer-reviewed articles summarizing each and explaining how the research design described could be useful for designing original research on your topic. Compare and contrast the paradigms or worldviews inherent in the methodology associated with each research design. Apply professional standards and situate yourself as a researcher by identifying which of these approaches best fits with your worldview.
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Find a current (less than 5 years old) research article on domains of learning

Find a current (less than 5 years old) research article on domains of learning. Summarize the article for your classmates in one or two paragraphs. Explain why you chose this study and how you could use this information in your selected area of education (academic, staff, or patient). Be sure to include the entire citation in APA format. The article you select cannot be from any of the course materials or supplemental readings. Be aware that it is a violation of copyright law to post the entire text of an article by someone else to an online discussion board. So be sure to post only the citation information so that the article can be located it if others are interested in reading it.
Select a topic regarding the diversity in health care and write an objective from the affective domain for that topic.
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"The Fire Goddess," from Hawaiian mythology; "White Buffalo Calf Woman,"

"The Fire Goddess," from Hawaiian mythology; "White Buffalo Calf Woman,"
Please watch the following video before writing the assignment:
Pick one myth from Unit 3. These include any one of the following: "The Fire Goddess," from Hawaiian mythology;
"White Buffalo Calf Woman," from Brule/Lakota Sioux mythology; "The Courtship of Inanna and Dumuzi," from ancient
Sumerian mythology; "A Taste of Earth," from Vietnamese mythology; or "Callisto and Arcas," from Greek/Roman
mythology. Construct a 1000-word essay which answers the following questions:
1. What type(s) of goddess may be found in this story, according to the Unit 3 video lecture and Chapter 3 of
your book, and why may they be identified as this type of goddess?
2. What elements of patriarchy may be found in this narrative?
3. What elements of matriarchy may be found in this narrative?
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Critically analyzed and clearly described how various individuals have influenced your ethical development as a person and as a competitor

The purpose of this assignment is to help you understand your motives for entering a helping profession. You will reflect on the specific individuals or events influential in the development of your career choices and personal and professional ethics.For this assignment, refer to the following article from the Argosy University online library resources:Drewe, S. (2000). Coaches, ethics and autonomy. Sport, Education & Society, 5(2), 147–162.Based on the article and your own experiences, answer the following questions:Reflect on the coaches, teachers, and/or mentors who have influenced your career choice. How did they impact your ethical development as a person and as a competitor?List the specific qualities these individuals have in common. How did they communicate these ideals to you? How did they handle tough and challenging situations?All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.The essay should be 200–400 words long and should be in Microsoft Word document format. Cite appropriate sources, such as the text, module lectures, or other professional resources, and include references at the end of your essay. Name your file SP6300_M6_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc and post it to the
Submissions Area by the due date assigned.Assignment 2 Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsCritically analyzed and clearly described how various individuals have influenced your ethical development as a person and as a competitor.8Critically analyzed and determined common qualities and methods of handling challenging situations.8Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources, displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.4Total:20Authors:Drewe, Sheryle BergmannSource:Sport, Education & Society; Oct2000, Vol. 5 Issue 2, p147-162, 16pDocument Type:ArticleSubjects:Coaches (Athletics)
Autonomy (Psychology)
Coach-athlete relationships
Professional ethics Canada
Abstract:In a previous study (Bergmann Drewe, 1999), I interviewed university-level athletes in an attempt to ascertain what sort of ethical dilemmas/issues these athletes encountered in their sport and how they resolved these dilemmas. A topic which arose in the interviews concerned the influence of the coach on the athletes' perception and resolution of ethical dilemmas/issues in their sport. To better understand the influence of the coach, I conducted a subsequent study where I interviewed university-level coaches. In this paper I examine the ethical dilemmas/issues shared by the coaches, including how the coaches resolved these dilemmas. I then compare and contrast the coaches' perceptions and resolutions of ethical dilemma/issues with the answers given by the athletes. Differences between the coaches' and athletes' perceptions and resolutions of ethical dilemmas/issues raised questions concerning the autonomy of the athlete. Thus, I conducted a conceptual analysis of the notion of autonomy. I considered different conceptions of autonomy and how each conception translates into the coach- athlete relationship. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Copyright of Sport, Education & Society is the property of Routledge and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
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General Education Curriculum found in “Section Five: General Academic Information and Policies

General Education Curriculum found in “Section Five: General Academic Information and Policies (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.” in the Ashford University Academic Catalog, which addresses the core competencies that the general education courses must cover: Applied Ethics, Communication, Information Technology, Critical Thinking, and Quantitative Reasoning. Review Week Five Resources that are applicable toward career success.
Reflect: Think about the core competencies as previously mentioned and ponder your time taking general education courses. Reflect on the specific courses not associated with your college major and determine the level of new information you have acquired that relates to the core competencies. You must also think about a potential job you might apply to once you graduate and determine what skills you developed through general education courses that make you qualified for a specific job.
Write: For this discussion, you will address the following prompts:
Review a job description through a job website (e.g., Career Builder, Monster, etc.) in your desired career field and identify at least five skills you have obtained through your general education courses that will make you successful at this job.
Demonstrate with at least two examples how your newly acquired knowledge and skills have shaped both your personal and professional development.
Describe your plans for putting your education to use within your community.
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Identify and describe the legal categories of a business organization contrasting tax-related advantages and disadvantages.

Develop a 1,050-word evaluation describing business structure and financial statements, including the following:
Identify and describe the legal categories of a business organization contrasting tax-related advantages and disadvantages.
Next, using your entrepreneur skills, consider starting your own business. What business structure would you
choose and why?
Discuss financial statements for the chosen business structure, then explain with specific examples from the
University Library, how these would help you make decisions about your business.
Cite a minimum of two peer-reviewed references.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
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Identify a hypothesis about this area of development.

Select one area in lifespan development that you would like to study further.
Identify a hypothesis about this area of development.
Identify the various research methods and theories used to study human behavior, and choose one of these methods.
Write a 700-word research design for your study in which you would evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of your chosen methodology.
For example, you can study how social development throughout the lifespan is affected by children born with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). You may hypothesize that children with FAS will have difficulties with peer relationships throughout their life. To study this, you may use a case study.
Set up this design, and discuss the various times throughout the lifespan you would study and also discuss how you might do this (structured interviews, observations, and so on)
Note: You do not have to actually complete the research; just develop the research based on a design and discuss how this design will aid in testing the hypothesis you developed.
Format any citations in your research design according to APA guidelines.
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Define an HMO and list the four main models of organization.

Define an HMO and list the four main models of organization.
Also, define a PPO and the major models of organization.
How do HMO and PPOs differ from each other? Perform an internet search and list three HMO organizations and three
PPO organizations. Summarize their mission, vision, and copy/paste each weblink into your summary.
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What amount will Bellows report as its adjusted cash balance at April 30, 2019?

The accountant for Bellows Corp. was preparing a bank reconciliation as of April 30. The following items were identified:
Bellows' book balance $28,750
Outstanding checks 900
Interest earned on checking account 63
Customer's NSF check returned by the bank 365
In addition, Bellows made an error in recording a customer's check; the amount was recorded in cash receipts as
$370; the bank recorded the amount correctly as $730.
What amount will Bellows report as its adjusted cash balance at April 30, 2019?
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1. In your own words, summarize the methods used for state constitutional change, including how the initiative device affects state politics.
Your response should be at least 75 words in length.
2. Contrast the differences and similarities between a direct democracy and a representative democracy.
3. Describe how immigration impacts all levels of government.
4. Contrast the differences between liberal and conservative ideology in the states. Include examples as comparisons.
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debate Proposition: Mandating that U.S. business pay a living wage would be detrimental to business and the economy.

debate Proposition: Mandating that U.S. business pay a living wage would be detrimental to business and the economy.
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Despite overwhelming argument against exclusionary, the exclusionary should not be abolished because it serves the essence of justice

Despite overwhelming argument against exclusionary, the exclusionary should not be abolished because it serves the essence of justice. Continue arguing that our criminal system is structured in a way where focus on allow innocent individuals a better chance at freedom at the expense of some guilty ones going free.
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What are functional silos and how did they evolve in organizations?

What are functional silos and how did they evolve in organizations?
Compare and contrast centralized, decentralized, and distributed IT architectures. Which do you think is most appropriate for ERP and why?
List the horizontal and vertical levels of systems that exist in organizations.
Describe at least five steps involved in systems integration.
What is the role of ERP systems in systems integration?
Part 2: Pick an organization that you know of or where you are/were working and provide examples of logical and physical integration issues that were faced by the organization when they broke the functional silos and moved to integrated systems.
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America In the 20th Century: The Roaring Twenties, 27:36 mins

Watch the following located through the Alexander Street/Academic Video Online database in the Ellis Library Research Database section ( or any trusted website:
1.) America In the 20th Century: The Roaring Twenties, 27:36 mins
2.) True Story of Sacco and Vanzetti, 43:53 mins
Answer the following;
1.) Do you think that Sacco and Vanzetti were guilty? Do you think they should have been executed? Why or why not?
2.) Why was it possible in post-WWI America for Sacco and Vanzetti to be treated as they were by their government and the justice system?
3.) What were the strengths and weaknesses in the US economy in the 1920s and why did it fail?
* 400 words essay for this assignment is required
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What are some of the themes brought up during the episode that center around being a Cuban/ Cuban-American?

What are some of the themes brought up during the episode that center around being a Cuban/ Cuban-American?
What did you learn that you may not have known before about Cuba, based on the show?
What does it mean to be Cuban?
Does the show have an angle? A point? What are the writers/creators trying to achieve, in your opinion, with this episode?
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Create a PowerPoint presentation on a topic of your choice. It can be on your hobbies, work, or anything you feel passionate about.

Create a PowerPoint presentation on a topic of your choice. It can be on your hobbies, work, or anything you feel passionate about. Each presentation should contain the following:
• Five slides
• First slide should be the title of the presentation and your name
• A title on each slide which is centered
• Text
• A Design theme
• Bullet points on at least two slides
• A Design theme
• An image on at least one slide
• One slide transition applied to all slides
• Slide notes in slide 1 include last name and GID number
• Slide notes to provide more information for slides 2 through 5
NOTE: No templates are to be used for this assignment
The goal is to show that you understand specifically how to create a presentation. Please remember that
presentations are not supposed to be a reading assignment for the audience but rather main points for the speaker
to address. The slide notes help the speaker as well as others who receive the presentation later. Have fun!
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Create a newsletter using Microsoft Word. You are a member of a charity, and you are tasked monthly to create a newsletter in which you post current events and information related to the charity.

Create a newsletter using Microsoft Word. You are a member of a charity, and you are tasked monthly to create a newsletter in which you post current events and information related to the charity. The charity can be a real or imagined charity. This assignment will use a table to create the structure of the newsletter. Please read through the remaining directions and information
NOTE: No templates are to be used for this assignment
1. Change the margins of the document to narrow (.5 inch top, bottom, left and right).
2. You will have a title at the top of the newsletter. You can put in Charity News as the title or create your own title related to the charity. Change the title to be centered and heading one style. Change font color and
font name of the title from what is set by default. Font size should be 48 size font.
3. Below the title, you will create a 2 column by 3 row table. In each row, you will have a picture or image in one cell and a brief write up of an event or news you want to share about the charity in the other cell in the row. Adjust the size of the images, so the newsletter fills the page to look like a newsletter.
4. Ensure the table is centered on the page by selecting the table and using the center button. It is optional if you would like to change cell shading in any of the cells of the table.
5. Below the table, put in the words POC Information, your name, any email and phone number. This should all be centered. (POC stands for Point of Contact.)
6. The newsletter will be one page in length.
7. In the footer add in yourLastNameYourFirstInitial
8. Save the file as CS105_LastName_W4Assignment and upload it in the week 4 assignment area of the course.
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Computer Information and Screenshot

Computer Information and Screenshot
Please complete and submit both parts of this assignment:
Part A - Computer Information
In this assignment, you will investigate and learn more about your own computer. Review the presentation W3
Lecture 2 as it will show you how to find the information on your computer. Review the lectures for Week 3 as
they will show you how to find the information on your computer.
• What type of device(s) are you using for class? For example: desktop computer, laptop, tablet, 2 in 1
(laptop and tablet), smartphone etc.
• What is your operating system?
• How much system memory do you have (RAM)?
• How fast is your CPU?
• Do you have a 32-bit or 64-bit machine? A CPU can process 32 bits of information or 64 bits of
information at a time (there are 8 bits in a byte). When you download software from the internet, sometimes there
will be one link for a computer that has a 32-bit CPU and another link if it has 64-bit CPU. That is why it is
good to know this.
• What is the size of your hard drive?
Answer the questions and take a screenshot of the system properties area in which you would have found the
answers to questions 2-5.
Part B - Screenshots
In this assignment, we want to see that you are able to take a screenshot showing you have Microsoft Office.
• Log into Office 365 and take a screenshot showing the applications. The screenshot would include your
name as it shows when you login
Your Part B screenshot should look similar to this:
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Discuss the significance of one of the major Jewish festivals. What do you find meaningful about it? In what way does it support the Jewish way of life?

Discuss the significance of one of the major Jewish festivals. What do you find meaningful about it? In what way does it support the Jewish way of life?Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper......
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Both Hinduism and Buddhism involve an element of Liberation.

Both Hinduism and Buddhism involve an element of Liberation. 
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The religion is closely tied to nature and it is believed they can help our world today prevent further ecological destruction

Write a paper consisting of at least 250 words that reflects on the Native American understanding of religion. The religion is closely tied to nature and it is believed they can help our world today prevent further ecological destruction.  Give specific examples from the Native American tradition.

Describe how you would decide which type to use as well as give a specific example

Research line and pie charts through course materials or internet. Describe how you would decide which type to use as well as give a specific example of the use for each type that would be useful in your life or future career

In our lives, we can find many tasks that can be completed using an Excel spreadsheet

In our lives, we can find many tasks that can be completed using an Excel spreadsheet. Discuss an application for an Excel sheet in your personal life or at your work or expected career. Also, discuss at least two Excel functions you find helpful ( which haven’t been posted already). Perform research on those two functions of your choice and tell us what they do, how they work and an example of how you would use them at home, work or an activity
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Perform research on the internet to find best practices or tips when creating and/or presenting a PowerPoint presentation.

Perform research on the internet to find best practices or tips when creating and/or presenting a PowerPoint presentation. In your discussion post, describe TWO of the best practices or tips you found and how to implement them into your presentations or why you think the tips are important
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create Microsoft Word tables. Tables are used in many documents.

create Microsoft Word tables. Tables are used in many documents. Describe a specific document in which you would use a table and state the topic of the table and column headings as well as a description of the content for the rows of the
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Discuss the importance of knowing your system information. Why is it important to know for installing software on your system?

Discuss the importance of knowing your system information. Why is it important to know for installing software on your system? How will it assist you when calling customer service or technical support for computer problems/concerns at home, work or school? What operating system(s) do you have on the device(s) you use for your school work?
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Compare and contrast the differences between the deprivation and importation model of prisons.

Compare and contrast the differences between the deprivation and importation model of prisons.

Describe the similarities and differences between the way women are treated within Jainism and the way they are treated in Sikhism

Describe the similarities and differences between the way women are treated within Jainism and the way they are treated in Sikhism. Provide specific examples from each religion to support your claims. Consider the overall attitude toward women - is it due to the religion or to wider cultural practices? In other words, do Jains (or Sikhs) have the attitude toward women because of the religion or is the attitude part of the prevailing attitude toward women? Is it possible that one or both of these religions actually improve the status of women?
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Education! Which of the various me’s do you propose to educate, and which do you propose to suppress? D.H. Lawrence

Education! Which of the various me’s do you propose to educate, and which do you propose to suppress? D.H. Lawrence
Discuss how this quote relates to Gumption and Two Kinds.
1. Paper needs to address the relevant parts of both texts chronologically.
2. Quotes must be followed by analysis and explanation.
3. Rely on your own ideas. No Google or secondary sources
4. Need Plot summer and Background in introduction
5. Clear thesis statement.
6. Introduce the quote.
7. Analysis Gumption and Two kind, then talk about their connection
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Good Failure”

Good Failure”
Read the article Why Failure is Good for Success, then write and deliver a speech in which you take a position on whether failure is truly good for success.
To complete this assignment:
1. Read the article
2. Write the Speech
a. Use Microsoft Word to prepare your essay.
b. Paragraph one is your introduction. It should introduce the topic and contain the thesis statement which contains your position on the topic.
c. Paragraphs 2-4 are the supporting paragraphs for your thesis. They should support your thesis statement, have topic sentences that relate to the thesis statement, and contain additional information that further supports the thesis. You should use personal experiences from your life that demonstrate how you have failed, what you have learned from failure, and how you bounced back after failure.
d. In this paper, you must incorporate one paraphrase from the article and cite it in text and on the Reference
page properly using APA citations.
This paraphrase must be highlighted in yellow.
e. In this paper, you must also incorporate one short, direct quote from the article and cite it in text properly
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using APA citations. This direct quote must be highlighted in blue.
f. The final paragraph is the conclusion. It should connect to the introductory paragraph and summarize the main
points of the paper.
g. Sources/References: List the author, title of article and source information. Refer to the Pocket Keys for
Writers to help you prepare your source list.
3. Deliver the Speech
a. Practice delivering your speech so that you are not just reading from the essay.
b. Make eye contact with the webcam so that your viewer feels you are addressing him/her.
c. Focus on eye contact and speaking with conviction (use some inflection in your voice rather than reading in a
4. Record the Speech
a. Make sure you have the hardware (i.e. a webcam on your computer, or a cell phone that can
take videos).
b. If you need to download an app to make videos, try which is a free app that includes a
tutorial on howto record videos. It is easy to edit your video file in – you can watch the
tutorial to see how to remove a segment from the recording.
c. Save the video recording as an MP4 file. If you are using a Mac, you will need to make sure your file is
converted to an MP4 file (search the internet for file conversion apps that can help you convert video formats
into MP4).
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“Putting It All Together”

“Putting It All Together”
SWOT, grit, growth, victim, creator, motivation, academic integrity. In the past few weeks, you have been writing short papers that incorporate ideas from sources you have found on the internet and on EBSCOhost. This week, you will read one more article, and use it along with the others to write an essay about being successful in college. This paper will be used to help determine your preparedness for future English courses in college. Do your best work!
1. Read the article Shifting out of the Drama Triangle: Victim vs. Creator Mindsets.
2. Write a 5-paragraph essay which explains how having the creator mindset can foster greater success in college than having the victim mindset. For sources, be sure to use this week’s article as well as the articles required for weeks two and three to support your argument.
a. The first paragraph is your introduction. It should introduce the topic and contain the thesis statement.
b. The second paragraph should have a topic sentence that relates to the thesis statement. This paragraph should provide supporting evidence or ideas for your thesis that come from the designated article “Shifting out of the Drama Triangle.” In this paragraph, you must incorporate one paraphrase from the article and cite it in text properly using APA citations.
This paraphrase must be highlighted in yellow. Also you must also incorporate one short, direct quote from the article and cite it in text properly using APA citations. This direct quote must be highlighted in blue.
c. The third and fourth paragraphs are also supporting paragraphs for your thesis. They should have topic sentences that support your thesis statement, and contain additional information that further supports the
thesis. Be sure to paraphrase or summarize the two articles you have already found regarding the growth mindset. Use your own words, but provide credit to the articles from which you have taken your ideas.
d. The final paragraph is the conclusion. It should connect to the introductory paragraph and summarize the main points of the paper.
3. List your sources in a References page at the end of your paper.
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“Victim, Creator, and Growth”

“Victim, Creator, and Growth”
This week, you took the victim vs. creator assessment. For this assignment, you will make some important connections between information from this week and last week.
Address each of the following items in your paper:
1. Interpretation of victim/creator quiz results
a. In a paragraph of at least 250 words, share your results from the victim vs. creator assessment. Given these results, explain what that means about you and how you are likely to react in the face of a
challenging situation. Why is your reaction important in a university setting?
2. Summary of Growth Mindset article
a. First, access our online library (EBSCOhost). In the search box, type Dweck growth mindset. Select one of the articles to read, and be sure to record the title of the article, author(s) and source. Second,
summarize the main points of the article. Here is how you write a summary: after you read one paragraph, stop and jot down the “take away” point from that passage. Then go on to the next
paragraph. You must use your own words, you cannot copy the author’s wording. If your article is composed of 32 paragraphs, your summary will consists of 32 sentences.
3. Compare victim/creator with growth/fixed mindsets
a. In another paragraph of at least 250 words, compare the victim, creator and growth mindsets, using your own words and examples. How are they similar, and how do they differ?
4. Compare searches for sources
a. Last week, you searched the internet for an article about Dweck’s growth mindset. Describe how many sources you found, and what kinds of sources they were (videos, books, articles, advertisements, etc.).
This week, you only searched EBSCOhost for an article on Dweck’s growth mindset. Discuss the results of this search – how did you limit the search, how many sources did you find, and what kinds of
sources were they?
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What information is provided by the sign (+ or -) of the Pearson correlation?

What information is provided by the sign (+ or -) of the Pearson correlation?
4.2 What information is provided by the numerical value of the Pearson correlation?
4.3 For the following set of data:
1 0
2 2
4 6
5 8
3 4
a. Sketch a graph showing the location of the five X,Y points.
b. Just looking at your graph, estimate the value of the Pearson correlation.
c. Compute the Pearson correlation for this data set using the formula sheet
handed out in class.
4.4 It is well known that similarity in attitudes, beliefs, and interests plays an
important role in interpersonal attraction (see Byrne, 1971, for example). Thus,
correlations for attitudes between married couples should be strong. Suppose a
researcher developed a questionnaire that measures how liberal or conservative
one’s attitudes are. Low scores indicate that the person has liberal attitudes,
whereas high scores indicate conservatism. The following hypothetical data are
scores for married couples. Compute the Pearson correlation for these data (previous page), and determine:
a. whether or not there is a relationship between attitudes for husbands and
wives (yes or no). Explain your answer.
b. what type of relationship there is, if any (positive or negative). Explain
your answer.
c. how strong or weak the relationship is, if any. How do you know?
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A population has a mean of µ = 50 and a standard deviation of σ = 10.

A population has a mean of µ = 50 and a standard deviation of σ = 10.
a. For this population, find the z-score corresponding to each of the
following scores. Plot each point on a graph.
X = 55 X = 40 X = 35
X = 48 X = 70 X = 65
b. For the same population, find the score (X value) corresponding to each
of the following z-scores. Plot each Z score on a graph.
Z = -2.00 Z = 1.50 Z = -0.50
Z = 0.60 Z = 1.00 Z = 0.00
3.2 A distribution with a mean of µ = 86 and a standard deviation of σ = 12 is being
transformed into a standardized distribution of µ = 100 and σ = 20. Find the
new, standardized score for each of the following values from the original
population (plot each point on a graph):
a. X = 80 b. X = 89
c. X = 95 d. X = 98
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Use the Reliability Theory and Descartes's Foundationalism to explore the question of whether animals have knowledge?

Use the Reliability Theory and Descartes's Foundationalism to explore the question of whether animals have knowledge? For example, do dogs have knowledge? Choose one species of animal as your example. What is required for an animal to have knowledge, according to the reliability theory? Explain and defend your position.If the reliability theory says dogs (or the animal of your choice) DO count as having knowledge, does it support or weaken the Reliability Theory of Knowledge?
How do the requirements of the reliability theory differ from what would be demanded by Descartes's view that knowledge is internally certifiable? Explain.
Finally, what is your conclusion about whether the species you chose has knowledge or not. If your answer is no, why not? If your answer is yes, what kind of knowledge?
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Marketing Myopia Essay , the marketing concept consists of elements that concern market segmentation and how it relates to target markets

Marketing Myopia Essay , the marketing concept consists of elements that concern market segmentation and how it relates to target markets. Also, recall that promotion is used to reach those target markets. In this essay, define the marketing concept and summarize its relationship to marketing myopia. Give an example of marketing myopia that you have seen. Your essay must include an introduction. You must also reference at least one journal article from the Online Library and one article from a business-related or news website; therefore, your essay should be supported by at least two sources. Your essay must be at least three pages in length and double-spaced, not counting the title and reference pages. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations.
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compare and contrast the Shinto concept of good and evil with the Zoroastrian concept of good and evil

compare and contrast the Shinto concept of good and evil with the Zoroastrian concept of good and evil. Note specifically any deities that may be associated with either concept. Be sure to show similarities and
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Use the internet to find a site or video that explains how to read stock quotations. Investopedia is one of the best, and there are several videos on YouTube.

Use the internet to find a site or video that explains how to read stock quotations. Investopedia is one of the best, and there are several videos on YouTube. While different publications use different formats, the basic info is the same. After you have read the chapter and conducted your research, answer the following questions related to the stock quotation attached. (4 pts each)
Assume the quotations appeared in the Tuesday morning newspaper.
What is the least you could have purchased one share of Aaron’s Inc. for in the past year?
What is the most one share of AAR CORP could have cost you in the past year?
What is the most one share of Abbot Lab traded for on Monday?
What was the closing price on Monday for AbbVie?
What will ABB ADR close at Tuesday?
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Research at least two articles on the topic of the strategic importance of cloud computing in business organizations.

Research at least two articles on the topic of the strategic importance of cloud computing in business organizations. Write a brief synthesis and summary of the two articles. How are the topics of the two articles
related? What information was relevant and why?
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discuss the costs and benefits associated with the motivation techniques and the risks involved

You have spent the last 7 weeks working through the necessary information to present a solid plan tothe executives.
This project comes with some flexibility. You are required to create a presentation that discusses the employee motivation plan you were required to develop in Assignment 1. The presentation should also discuss the costs and benefits associated with the motivation techniques and the risks involved. Your audience is composed of the senior executives of your fictional company.
You can choose the format of this submission. You can write a formal proposal, a PowerPoint presentation, or a video presentation. If you would like to use something different, please send me a message to ask for guidance before submission.
Please know, that you will not be graded on your chosen format…only on the content.
You should already have the research needed based on the last 3 assignments. As always, you need to cite your sources using APA format. If you are submitting a presentation in non-written form, please make sure to mention your source when using information and submit a written document listing those sources. All the topics previously discussed should be addressed in this presentation as well as a solid introduction and conclusion.
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What are the potential risks involved with this program, and what processes can be put in place to manage these risks?

Every program has risks associated with it. This week, I want you to review your idea and provide a risk analysis. What are the potential risks involved with this program, and what processes can be put in place to
manage these risks? One specific risk that I want you to discuss is related to cultural differences. Please assume that your company is a multinational corporation…will this program work in all areas of the business? If not, how can it be adapted for the other country/countries involved?
This does not need to be written as a formal research paper, but all research provided does need to be cited in APA format. You may write in the first person because you are presenting your own ideas. You do not need to provide an abstract, but you do need an APA formatted title page and reference page. Your paper should be a minimum of 2 pages (approx. 700 words) not including the title and reference.
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