Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Explain what positive illusions are, identify the general function of positive illusions, and identify the three different types of positive illusions that people have.

Research suggests that most people have "positive illusions." Explain what positive illusions are, identify the general function of positive illusions, and identify the three different types of positive illusions that
people have. Then give an original example [not from the text] of each.
2. What does research suggest about the mindset of people who are suicidal? In particular, where do suicidal people stand in terms of their self-awareness, their level of emotionality, and the levels of meaning at which they are thinking?
3. Define scripts and schemas, explain how they enable us to better process information. Give an original example [not one from the text] of each.
4. Briefly describe the different ways in which emotions can improve or hinder judgments, decision-making, and performance. When and why are they helpful and when and why are they harmful?
5. Much research suggests that people's attitudes are not predictive of their behaviors. However, in some cases, people's attitudes ARE highly predictive of their behaviors. Identify at least three factors that
increase attitude-behavior consistency.
Assignment Outcomes
Compare and contrast major theorists and the concepts of social perception and social cognition
Formulate the concepts of group function, social influence, interpersonal conflict, and pro-social behavior
Discriminate and assess the determinants of aggression
Integrate cultural, legal, and ethical issues of social psychology
Analyze some of the major contemporary research trends in social psychology
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