From, please read the “How can you change from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset?” page, and then respond to the following questions:
o As Carol Dweck notes, we all hold both fixed and growth mindsets. Identifying situations that trigger a fixed-mindset voice can be a beneficial first step. These are situations that make you feel defensive, anxious, or worried about your ability (e.g., getting performance-improvement suggestions, low grades, new projects, etc.) What are some fixed-mindset triggers you experience at work and at school? Explain how you these make you feel.
o Choose one of your identified fixed-mindset triggers. How might you respond with a growth mindset voice instead?
o Think of a recent setback and explain how you were able to overcome it or how you plan to respond to the challenge.
Please read this PBS Newshour column, “When To Quit, from an Expert on Grit”, and then respond to the following questions:
o Duckworth defines grit as “passion and perseverance for long-term goals.” Describe an actual example of grit from your own life or the life of someone you know personally. (Make sure to include what the person was passionate about and how perseverance was demonstrated.)
o In the article, Duckworth explains that in some situations, quitting can be the best choice, because “your energy will be better spent on a different low-level goal that accomplishes the same end.” From your own life or the life of someone you know personally, share an example of when quitting or changing direction was a good decision.
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