Tuesday 27 June 2017

Is it possible for an individual's personality to change over the course of their life?

1. Is it possible for an individual's personality to change over the course of their life? Is it ever possible that someone's personality would stay the same their whole life? Explain your answer.
You are one of those middle children and your feelings aren't uncommon. I think Alfred Adler's birth order theory is fascinating. (Feist, Feist & Roberts, 2013) His theory is basically that the order of our birth affects our personality. For, example a first born child may feel he or she was "dethroned" by second child. They tend to be independent and responsible. They are the most responsible of the siblings. . .usually. Check out the chart at this site for more birth order http://www.adlerian.us/birthord.htm and this article for more information
about birth order http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=51928 . As with any theory there are pros and cons. I have an interesting birth order as I am third/last born, only child (I was born more than 6 years after my brother) and the only girl.
http://www.healthofchildren.com/B/Birth-Order.html Also, you will note this chart states middle children, "May have trouble finding a place."
Feist, J., Feist, G., & Roberts, T. (2013). Theories of Personality (8th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
2. What do you think about birth order? Do you have the characteristics stated in the chart? Why or why not?
3. What factors impact the development of an individual's personality? Which one of these factors has the most impact? Why?
Researchers have for years puzzled about why one person comes from a difficult background will have lots of self-respect, while others choose self-destructive behavior. You are such a good example of how someone with a difficult childhood can succeed. Unfortunately, sometimes it seems as though self-destructive behavior is chosen more often. Unfortunately, gangs serve as pseudo families for kids who aren't having their needs meet by parents. Even more unfortunate "role models" (gang leaders) exhibit behavior which models drug use and violence. I have a friend who lost his parents when he was 12. He felt abandoned and lost. He turned to a gang to meet his needs. From there it was a downward spiral to meth use and addiction. He associated love with the pain of loss. After that, anytime anyone expressed love toward him, he had to push them away. His self-respect was as low as it could get. Yet today he is a successful counselor.
4. We bring up the concept of causality vs. teleology (Feist, Feist & Roberts, 2013). How does this apply to my friend? Was his personality based on his past or what he perceived as his future? AND what might have caused him to change from a path of self destruction to a path of self actualization?
Course Book:
Feist, J., Feist, G., & Roberts, T. (2013). Theories of Personality (8th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
5. Does your neighborhood affect your personality?
6. Do you agree with Freud's belief that people are motivated by things which they have little or no awareness? Why or why not?
7. How do you think Sigmund Freud would react to the more contemporary households of today - single parent, stay at home father, same sex parents, etc.?
8. What are the similarities and differences between Freud's and Jung's theories on personality? Which theory do you believe is more applicable? Why?
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