Thursday, 14 January 2021

Develop a list of 6 quality standards or requirements related to meeting the stakeholder expectations described in the Running Case

 The Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project team is working hard to ensure that the new system they develop meets expectations. The team has a detailed scope statement, but the project manager, Tony Prince, wants to make sure they’re not forgetting requirements that might affect how people view the quality of the project. He knows that the project’s sponsor and other senior managers are most concerned with getting people to use the system, improve their health, and reduce healthcare costs. Users want the system to be user-friendly, informative, fun to use, and fast.

Complete the following in a Microsoft Word document.
Develop a list of 6 quality standards or requirements related to meeting the stakeholder expectations described in the Running Case.
Write a 45- to 90-word brief description of each requirement. For example, a requirement might be that 90 percent of employees have logged into the system within 2 weeks after the system rolls out.
Write a 175-word explanation based on the list of standards and requirements on how you will measure progress on meeting the requirements. For example, you might have employees log into the system as part of the training program and track who attends the training. You could also build a feature into the system to track usage by username, department, and other criteria. Support your answer with 1 credible source outside of the course materials.
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