Friday 1 April 2016

A female telephone customer says the following: “Hey, I don’t want to be a drag, but I’ve been hanging on this phone line for 15 minutes. You people cancelled my call blocking service when I added voicemail to my system

A female telephone customer says the following: “Hey, I don’t want to be a drag, but I’ve been hanging on this phone line for 15 minutes. You people cancelled my call blocking service when I added voicemail to my system. What am I paying you for the call blocking now? I haven’t had it for three weeks, and I’ve been getting all these annoying telemarking robocalls at two in the morning, and I don’t even pick them up, you know, most of them are dead air or just a computer, and I know that if you pick them up. They just add your name to a target list and then they keep calling and calling. Some of them are fake charities and I don’t even want to guess where the money goes. I mean, if you read up on these things, what they say is that maybe ten percent goes to the actual charity and then the rest of it they just keep. All they have to do is buy an autodialer, and then maybe get a phonebook, and then they just start collecting money from these supposed donations. If I’m going to give money to a charity, I know they all have overhead, but I want most of it to actually go to the people I’m supposed to be supporting. So, yeah, I had like 20 phone numbers on the list, and I guess they’re all gone, now, when you cut off that service, right? What happens now? I didn’t write down any of the numbers, I just blocked them when they came up, and some of them I can’t get back because the callerID is spoofed — it’s a different number or a fake number that shows up when you see it calling, but you can still block it because the system knows about it, and how to see inside the fake number, but all those are gone now and I’ve been paying for the service for three weeks and getting the calls anyway.” Indicate at what point you would have given her verbal or nonverbal feedback, and what form it would take. Then, paraphrase her response, looking for the essence of the complaint. Imagine that you are talking directly to the customer as you type your response.
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