Friday 14 July 2017

analyze the WeaveTech: High Performance Change case study in order to develop a proposal.

analyze the WeaveTech: High Performance Change case study in order to develop a proposal.
OL 600 Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric
For your final project, you will analyze the WeaveTech: High Performance Change case study in order to develop a proposal. You will have to consider the important aspects of the company within the case study when formulating the proposal. When developing your proposal, make sure that all elements align with the mission, vision, and goals of the organization. Be sure to support your proposal with appropriate scholarly sources.
For Milestone Three, you will develop an employee and labor relations program. Your program should include a complaint procedure, a discipline process, and a conflict resolution procedure. Consider staff, management, and the organization during the development of your program.
The resources that support this milestone include the WeaveTech Case Study, Discipline Without Punishment – At Last Coursepack article, and the text.
Your submission should contain all of the elements for Section III of your final product, including all of those listed below. Your instructor will grade your submission using the rubric below and will provide feedback to be applied to the final project.
Begin by analyzing WeaveTech using the following guiding questions for your analysis. Then, once your analysis has been completed, draft an employee and labor
relations plan that includes a complaint procedure, a discipline process, and a conflict resolution as outlined by the critical elements listed in A through C below
the guiding questions.
1. What type of employee relations issues might WeaveTech anticipate during a workforce reduction?
2. How might downsizing affect employee engagement and retention?
3. What method would you use to implement an immediate downsizing?
4. How does downsizing conflict with the psychological contract that previously existed at WeaveTech?
5. Describe a complaint management procedure that ensures that employee issues are heard by management.
6. Describe a supervisory training program on conflict resolution that would be applicable to WeaveTech.
7. What approach to employee discipline should be used at WeaveTech?
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
III. Employee and Labor Relations: In this part of the assessment, you will develop an employee and labor relations program.
A. Create a complaint procedure that allows staff issues to be heard and also protects and supports the rights of management.
B. Create a discipline process that responds to situations appropriately under the circumstances and the type of infraction.
C. Create a conflict resolution procedure that provides conflict resolution training for supervisory personnel.
Your overall submission should be professionally articulate. “Articulation of Response” is not a section of your paper but rather how professional and clear you are in articulating your ideas.
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