Friday 14 July 2017

Current Business Law

Current Business Law
Topic assignment will be made up of two parts.
The first will be a one-page memorandum (1 page of text) summarizing a legal item of interest from a business periodical which is relevant to the study of business and law and your thoughts on the issues and concepts presented. The second will be presentation where you share your learning with the class.
For the first part of the assignment, your memo should address how it relates to the focus of our studies in our class. Topics can be selected from a wide range of sources. However, a link to your selected article must be included in your memo along with a full APA citation for your article so that I can locate it and read it.
As the second part of this assignment, you will make a 3-5 slide presentation for your classmates which communicate the ideas you discuss in your memo. It will be a simulated presentation using either the speaker’s notes in PowerPoint, or the narration feature of PowerPoint. Your presentation should be 3-5 minutes or could be presented in 3-5 minutes. If you elect the speaker notes option you should annotate your speaker’s notes in the area that PowerPoint provides. If you elect the narration option, it should be embedded with PowerPoint. Thus, your classmates will learn from your work. Both your memo and your PowerPoint presentation will be distributed to your classmates as you will be required to post your work to a discussion forum.
The topic for your memo can center on topics we have discussed in the course or will discuss in course, or a business law topic or issue that is of particular interest to you. You must select an article from a credible source. I offer the following as an abbreviated list of possible periodicals as sources for articles. Many of these and other sources have online resources or are available online through the University Online Library. There are a number of resources available through ProQuest and/or EBSCOHost. The article selected must be at least 1000 words in length. I would suggest you take advantage of our library resources.
The Wall Street Journal
Any business journal similar to "The Puget Sound Business Journal" The publisher of this business journal publishes similar for many metropolitan areas in the US.
Any regional newspaper similar to The Seattle Times
Harvard Business Review
Journal of Business Ethics
Business Week
Any Law Journal from any law school
Any Federal or State court case from any reporter (contact me if you are using this source and prior to making your selection) Guide for the Memo
Your memo should be divided into sections with section headers corresponding at minimum to the sections suggested below, Summary, Analysis, and Reflection
Your memo should briefly summarize the article. This is an ideal section to place your brief comment as to the reason you believe the source to be credible. I would suggest that no more than 1/4 or the memo be used for this purpose.
Follow your summary with an analysis of the article and how it applies to the study of business and law. I would suggest approximately 1/2 of the page be used for this purpose.
The remaining space should be used to convey your reflection on the article, i.e. specify your conclusions, opinions based on your analysis, and how the knowledge you gained relates to your understanding of business and/or management and the legal environment, and how it can be applied.
Please insure you have cited the article correctly within your memo. Your memo should be single spaced. Within your memo and during your presentation, comment on your opinion of the validity of your source and why.
The grading rubric provides you insights into how the work will be evaluated.
You will also be posting your work in a future discussion question for all to read and provide you feedback.
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