Thursday 20 July 2017

Defend the role of children’s literature as an essential part of literacy education

EDU30001: Imagining the World through Language and Literature
Assessment 1: Essay
Word limit: 2000 (+/- 10%)
Weighting : 40%
Assessment overview
This assessment will allow you to demonstrate your understanding of the importance of children’s literature to their language acquisition and literacy skill development, and therefore allow you to work towards achieving the first two learning outcomes of this unit. You will do this through writing a 2000-word persuasive essay, in which you defend the role of children’s literature.
This task is assessing your ability to demonstrate that you meet the criteria for the following unit learning outcomes:
  1. Identify and defend how children’s literature is an essential part of literacy education
  2. Illustrate how storytelling and picture books support language acquisition and literacy skills.
Assessment details
You are to write a persuasive essay in which you develop an argument in response to the following prompt:

Defend the role of children’s literature as an essential part of literacy education.
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One tip for planning your argument: Imagine that you are presenting to the senior leadership team in your centre/school, and you want to convince them of the importance of children’s literature, particularly in relation to language acquisition and literacy skill development. What arguments would you put forward to persuade them that your use of children’s literature is valid, reasonable and a legitimate pedagogical practice?
In your essay you will need to:
  • Argue for the role of children’s literature in literacy education, using evidence from professional and scholarly literature to support your arguments.
  • Justify your stance that storytelling and picture books can support the different stages of language acquisition and literacy skill development, again drawing on literature to legitimate your arguments.
  • Provide examples that cover the range of literacy development from birth to eight years.
Essay requirements
You are to write your essay in third person. Remember that the purpose of this essay is to defend a position and persuade readers that your argument is valid, reasonable and legitimate. That means you need to develop a coherent argument across the body of the essay and ensure you have well-reasoned points, supported by evidence.
Your introduction must introduce the topic, must contain a clearly stated thesis statement (a one-sentence response which outlines your position), and must introduce the structure of the essay. As a general rule, an introduction should be no more than 10% of the total word count – in this case, no more than 200 words. You will therefore need to be succinct.
In the body of your essay you will develop a series of arguments concerning the role of literature and storytelling in literacy skill development and language acquisition. All claims you make must be supported by evidence, drawing on scholarly and professional literature, for example from the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF), to help make your argument more persuasive.
In the conclusion you will need to sum up your arguments and then make one final statement in defence of your position. The conclusion should not merely restate the introduction. As with the introduction, your conclusion should be no more than 10% of the overall word count – so no more than 200 words.
You will have approximately 1600 words for the body of your essay – use them wisely. Edit vigorously.
When you use evidence from the literature to support your arguments, you will need to ensure that you cite it according to APA referencing conventions.
Additional resources
The following resources will assist you as you prepare your essay:
  • The following resource from the Swinburne Online Study Resources Academic essay provides lots of useful tips on essay writing.
  • The APA Style will help you with citing and referencing your resources.
Preparing your essay
The material upon which you will base your essay is covered primarily in Weeks 1 and 2. Review the resources carefully, particularly those relating to the role that literature plays in supporting literacy development.
The activities provided in these two weeks will assist you to think more deeply about the issues covered by the essay, so your active participation in these activities is encouraged.
Note that in addition to the resources provided, you should look to do further research on the connections between literature and literacy development. You should also be looking to apply the information on literacy development covered in your previous study, particularly EDU10002 Understanding Language and Literacy and EDU20001 Developing Literacy.
If you have any questions relating to this assessment, please post them in the Assessment 1 Q&A forum in your group discussion area.
Submission details
This assessment will be submitted via Turnitin. See the Assessment 1 section of Blackboard for more detailed information.
Assessment criteria
  1. Structure and development of the response.
  2. Depth and relevance of arguments.
  3. Written expression.More Details on How to Work on this Paper......
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Your work will be assessed using the following marking guide:
CriteriaNo PassPass
High Distinction
Structure and development of response
Did not meet criterion.The essay is well-structured: the introduction introduces both the topic and the essay itself and contains a clear thesis statement, which provides insight into your own views. The body of the essay allows for a loose development of ideas. The conclusion sums up the arguments without introducing new information.All requirements of the pass have been met. In addition, you have produced a well-reasoned response, which is logically and coherently structured. Each paragraph contains only one idea and that idea is fully developed. Clear progression and development of ideas is evident and each supports your thesis.All requirements of the credit have been met. In addition, you have produced a cohesive and persuasive response, using evidence from a wide range of appropriate scholarly and professional literature to explicitly support the points you make.All requirements of the distinction have been met. In addition, your essay demonstrates attributes of critical reading, critical analysis, and the insightful synthesis of your own stance through the way the argument is structured across the essay. Each point connects to and builds on the last ensuring that the overall thesis is clearly elaborated.
Depth and relevance of arguments
Did not meet criterion.The arguments are tangentially relevant to the topic, showing developing awareness of the role of children’s literature in language acquisition and literacy skill development. You have tended to describe rather than to argue a position.All requirements of the pass have been met.The main difference across each of these standards is in the depth of your arguments; and the relevance of your arguments to the topic and to the stance you have taken. At this level, you have outlined clear and relevant arguments, drawn from your own experience and/or from a limited range of scholarly and professional literature.All requirements of the pass have been met.Your essay demonstrates clear thinking in regards to the role of children’s literature and storytelling in supporting children’s language acquisition and literacy skill development. Your position is clearly thought-through and it is evident that you have an insightful and mature awareness of your own perspective. Your ideas are discussed in depth and all claims made are supported with relevant evidence.All requirements of the pass have been met.Your essay demonstrates your capacity to discriminate between what is relevant and what is not in relation to the essay prompt. Thoughtfulness and sophisticated insight into your own stance is clearly evident in the relevance and depth of the arguments you put forward.
Written expression
Did not meet criterion.The written expression is consistent with the requirements of a university course: spelling, punctuation, grammar, and sentence structure demonstrate competence in academic writing. The work is the author’s own, and the ideas and words of others have been cited according to APA referencing conventions. The essay is written in third person.All requirements of the pass have been met. In addition, word choice is deliberate, and there are no superfluous words or phrases. Editing has been a key part of the preparation of the essay. This is obviously not a ‘first’ draft, but has been crafted to ensure a high quality essay is presented. Sentences are complete, and punctuation, including apostrophe use, is generally correct. Careful and thorough proofreading has resulted in a professionally presented essay.All requirements of the credit have been met. In addition, any errors that remain in the work do not detract from the overall quality of the essay, or from the meaning communicated. You have used an active voice, a broad and fluent vocabulary, and a range of cohesive devices (key words, pronouns, conjunctions, reinforcement, highlighting, similarity, and the like). You have also used a range of sentence types to add interest and energy to your writing. Tenses are consistent, and punctuation allows for your meaning to emerge without ambiguity.All requirements of the distinction have been met. In addition, only a small number of minor errors remain in the work.
Your own written communication skills are highly developed.
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