Friday 14 July 2017

Public Policy Analysis

Public Policy Analysis
We will call this project your Policy Paper which will be a formal research paper aimed at
introducing and/or polishing your skills in the following:
● Public policy research – policy design, implementation, evaluation
● Understanding a federal law
● Effectively exploring and utilizing the library system for research
● Strengthening your academic and competitive writing skills
● Enhance your critical thinking skills
The Basic Structur​e of your Policy Analysis is the following:
1. Description of the policy/law – history and current situation
2. Rationale for public policy – market or government failure
3. Analysis of policy’s efficacy
4. Implementation
5. Evaluation
6. Recommendations
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Additionally, your Policy Analysis will be required to have a minimum of ten quality reference​s
(academic journal articles, leading books, relevant websites, etc.). The paper will be a 12-15
page essay with a traditional title page, appropriate subheadings, standard formatting
(double-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman, page numbers), parenthetical citations such
as (Jasso, 2009, p. 35), a works cited page (you may call it a reference page), and any
necessary appendices. We will use APA format.
The Policy Paper will be submitted in two stages enabling you to receive feedback and for you
to manage your accountability to the project. The project is essentially your final exam – it will
be submitted in lieu of a formal final on a schedule day to be determined.
The Stages are:
Stage One​: one-page proposal to include
● Rationale for public policy
● Major stakeholders impacted by the law
● Initial hypothesis – good law/bad law – why?
● Full print-out of your law (the first five pages)
Stage Two​: Final
Complete policy paper due on a date to be determined during finals week
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