Wednesday 19 July 2017

Torts Affecting Business

Torts Affecting Business
1. The ethical considerations for holding a business liable for torts occurring on its premises or by its employees.
2. What sorts of damages are available for tort injuries.Intellectual Property
3. The rationale for granting business organizations intellectual property rights.
4. The ethics governing employment non-disclosure agreements or covenants not to compete. Criminal Law and Business
5. The ethical reasons for holding business organizations criminally liable for crimes committed by their employees.
6. The concept of white collar crimes, and their negative effect on a business.
7. What is Intellectual Property Law? The concept of Intellectual and the five major groups?Torts
8. What are the elements of negligence? How does an intentional tort differ from negligence? Provide examples.Crimes
9. What are the elements of a crime? What is scienter? What are some examples of crimes that do not require scienter?
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