Wednesday 25 March 2015

Voting in Texas

Voting in Texas
Texas is known as a low voter turnout state for a long time. There are a number of reasons that have been suggested for low citizen participation in the election process. This paper is an opportunity for you to assist me in understanding the reasoning and possible suggestions to make improvements in this situation.
Write a 3-5 page persuasive paper on voter turnout in Texas. Evaluate the reasons that have been suggested for the low turnout. Your evaluation should allow you to determine the ideas that have worked, how you might improve on them, or come up with new ideas. Investigate any attempts that have been made in Texas, as well as other states, and determine if there are ideas that may work in Texas. Along with possible improvements, create your own ideas to stimulate and improve voter turnout in Texas.
Identify and explain in your paper the suggested reasons for low turnout, along with the results, if any, of efforts to improve it. Clearly explain your suggestion and demonstrate how and why they should work. Persuade me that your idea, or ideas, is the best one for Texas and why. Be sure to include explanations and details that will easily demonstrate the idea.
For a paper to earn a high grade, you must meet expected criteria. The grade is based on more than MLA Format.
You are expected to develop a position, support your claim, and validate your assertions. In addition, you should address any opposition to your claim, honestly and directly. Your thesis statement is expected to be at the end of the first paragraph. The thesis statement may be one or two sentences, depending on your claims.
Maximum of Five Sources A maximum of three (3) online sources will be acceptable. The online sources must be Scholarly/Academic websites. Online journals available through the library are considered valid Internet sources. Check with the library. Online sources must be a valid scholarly internet sources. No dot coms.
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