Friday 25 September 2015

Following the readings by Warde (chapter 2 and 3), analyze media materials to explore the trend for taste and how those trends are similar or different across cultures

Following the readings by Warde (chapter 2 and 3),  analyze media materials to explore the trend for taste and how those trends are s
imilar or different across cultures. Please pay a special attention to the
recommendation principles for food that Warde discusses.
In completing this project, you should follow the steps below:
2.Review the recommendation principles for food that Warde discusses in Chapter 3.
3.Decided your group’s topic focus (e.g., food
recommended; also possible to explore
clothing/accessories, music, lifestyle in general).
4.Decide which cultures your group will examine (select 2 or 3 cultures).
Discuss why your group decided
to focus on the cultures.
5.Select media materials (e.g., TV shows, magazines, websites, blogs, etc.) to analyze. Make
sure that you are able to explain why you chose the media materials.
6.Formulate your research question.
7.Review the recommendation principles (content categories) used developed by Warde in
Chapter 3, and evaluate whether they can be adopted for your study. If necessary, adjust
the categories.
8.Sample your media materials. That is, decide which TV episode, ma
gazine issues and
, etc. your group is going to
9.Count how many times each category appear in your sample. Make sure that at least two of your group members examine the same materials.
10.Based on your group’s analysis, answer your research questions.
11.Discuss your results in relation to our course readings. Use at least 5 course readings.
12.Prepare a group report paper. Each group report paper should have the following components:
1.Rationale of your study (cite the course readings your group have used)
2.Research question
3.Method (report the exact steps you took in selecting media materials,
developing/adjusting categories, and coding).
4.findings (raw data and interpretation of the data –how many times each
category appeared in each culture you examined? How would you answer your research questions based on the data? How would you interpret the results in relation to our course readings?)
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