Friday 25 September 2015

Leadership Principles and Practices: Present the profile of the CEO/chairman of KPMG (accounting firm) - John B Veihmeyer.

Leadership Principles and Practices
Present the profile of the CEO/chairman of KPMG (accounting firm) - John B Veihmeyer.
The presentation comprises the following two sections:
(1) Leadership Approach: What principles, models, or patterns of leadership can you
observe from the leader? Use a particular theory of leadership discussed in class or in the readings to analyse the leader's approach - one theory is sufficient for this purpose.
Avoid discussing the obvious (e.g., “the leader works really hard, hence is successful”, or “she didn’t treat his employees well because she was too focused on her own ambitions”, or “Being preoccupied with his work, he showed a disregard to his own health”). An intelligent analysis of the leader will look at a pattern shown by the leaders over the years in terms of their approach to business, life, leadership, etc., that is the not-so-obvious.
In addition, you also need to mention and analyse the positive and negative sides of the leader.
(2) Leadership Lesson: What have you learned personally from the leader, and why do
you think they are important for your own leadership development? Apply and interact with your selves as you think about some personal and practical ways you can do to emulate the leader.
Researching and analyzing the POSITIVE sides of the leader. This is the only part to be completed. It is REQUIRED to use Principles, models and patterns of leadership in relation to the leader.
Avoid discussing the obvious (e.g., “the leader works really hard, hence is successful”, or “she didn’t treat his employees well because she was too focused on her own ambitions”, or “Being preoccupied with his work, he showed a disregard to his own health”).
The analysis of the leader SHOULD look at a pattern shown by the leaders over the years in terms of their approach to business, life, leadership, etc., that is the not-so-obvious.
You MUST research the leader in their biographies or autobiographies (i.e.,
books). In addition, to get the latest coverage, you need to research other sources (case study books, magazines, journal articles, etc). You cannot rely on websites such as Wikipedia, Google entries, etc. to reference your work. While journal articles are not a requirement for this assessment, evidence of research from various reliable sources apart from (auto)biography HAS to be shown.
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