Friday 25 September 2015

Movie Paper: American Sniper

Movie Paper: American Sniper
1. For this course, you will write a Movie Paper.
2. Select a movie that you like, which shows abnormal behavior. (You can focus in on one part of the movie).
3. Write a 5-8 page (double spaced) paper about this movie and be sure to answer the following questions within your writing:
o Give a brief summary of the movie you have chosen. Select a character who has an issue (it can be as simple as Depression or an Adjustment Disorder or something more complicated like Dissociative Identity Disorder.)
o Interject yourself into a part of the movie as the therapist of this patient. You can use creative license in describing the client and your assessment of him or her.
o What is their diagnosis? Formulate the diagnosis and write a substantial essay with details of your diagnosis based on the DSM-5 format and describe your Treatment Plan for this client.
o How has this movie affected you and why?
4. Format: Be sure to include the following at the beginning of your paper:
o Name of the movie
o Year it came out
o Primary Actors & Actresses
5. Use APA Style and include a separate cover sheet and reference page. Be sure to use your textbook (and the case studies) to help with your assessment, diagnosis and treatment. Good luck and have fun with it!
6. Include at least 5 additional scholarly references from PsycINFO
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