Friday 25 September 2015

Hinduism/Buddhism Paper

Hinduism/Buddhism Paper
Imagine that you are a scholar from a distant planet and you have the power to travel through space and time. No, this is not an episode of the “Twilight Zone”. You have heard that there is a planet called Earth. It is the home of many different cultures, religions, and sets of beliefs. In particular, you have heard that one part of Earth (the Indian Subcontinent) is home to two sets of beliefs that are competing for followers. Preliminary data indicates that Earthlings call these beliefs Hinduism and Buddhism. As a topic for your next award winning paper, you decide to answer the question, “What made Hinduism or Buddhism a popular set of beliefs to its followers?”
You can write the paper as a journal, an essay, or any other form of your choice. Yet, you must have a statement (preferably at the start of the paper) that states the answer to the question. This is known as a thesis and it is very important for a good paper. It provides the reader an idea of what you intend to argue in the paper.
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