Friday 21 July 2017

Write an executive report of 4–5 pages that analyzes the role of diversity in an under performing community program, unit, or department

Write an executive report of 4–5 pages that analyzes the role of diversity in an underperforming community program, unit, or department, and outline a plan for providing ongoing training on cultural awareness, inclusion, and sensitivity to current employees.
Be sure you read all of the requirements for this assessment and review the suggested resources to see if they may be useful in completing the assessment.
This assessment provides an opportunity to determine how you can help advance your professional field by developing a strategy for managing diversity that recognizes the synergy achieved by having a diverse and inclusive workforce.
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By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
•Competency 1: Explain the concepts, principles, and characteristics of effective health care leadership. ?Determine the influence of effective leadership on the development of a diverse and culturally competent workforce.
•Competency 3: Analyze standards of professional ethics and the principles of diversity and inclusion as applied by health care leaders in real-world situations. ?Outline a plan to recruit, hire, and retain a diverse workforce.
?Outline a plan for providing employee training on cultural awareness and sensitivity.
?Explain the benefits of a diverse and culturally competent workforce to a health care organization and the community it serves.
•Competency 4: Determine the influence of the practitioner-scholar role on professional practice and leadership development. ?Explain how the academic and research skills one develops as a practitioner-scholar can be of service in one's role as a health care leader.
•Competency 5: Communicate effectively with diverse audiences, in an appropriate form and style, consistent with applicable organizational, professional, and scholarly standards. ?Write coherently to support a central idea, using correct grammar, mechanics, and APA formatting.
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The United States continues to reflect the diversity of the world, as the country seeks to maintain its tradition of being a safe haven of freedom and the world's melting pot. As health care practitioners, leaders, and scholars, it is vital that we embrace, recognize, and celebrate the diversity of our workforces and population.
It is also important for health care organizations to represent the communities that they serve in as many ways as possible. This diversity is represented in gender, race, ethnicity, age, and ability. Wynne (2012) posits that this diversity makes organizations stronger, allows for more productivity, and leads to enhanced job satisfaction. When health care organizations make themselves as diverse and inclusive as possible, they are integrating the community into the organization and the organization into the community, creating a win-win scenario for both. The health care organization is now more in touch with the needs, desires, and fears of the community. At the same time, the community members feel that they have representation in health agencies.
Wynne, R. (2012). Defining diversity. BizEd, 11(1), 32–34.

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