This paper should be 4-5 pages long (typed, double-spaced, 12 point), with a title page, 4 numbered illustrations (numbered in the text---Fig. 1, etc.) with labels (artist, title, date), 2-4 endnotes or footnotes, and a bibliography. The illustrations should not be in the text, but grouped in the back.
This paper consists of 6 parts:
A title page.
The first paragraph should consist of a detailed description of the image. Research will be required to describe exactly what is shown in the image (e.g., the building and its contents, the type of automobile and specific race, what he people are doing in the image, etc.)
Your main photograph should be illustrated.
The second paragraph should place the photograph within the context of that photographers work from that specific period (within 5 years of your main photograph), illustrating 3 works with similar subject matter by the photographer. Compare and contrast those images with your main photograph. The only exception to this is John Edwin Mayall, The Crystal Palace, London, During the Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations. Given how obscure his work is, you will need, instead, to illustrate 3 other photographs of that building (from 1851), comparing and contrasting them with the Mayall image.
The third paragraph should place the main image within a larger social context. In addition to sources on the web, you will need to use books in the SMU libraries for this section, looking at books that focus, for instance, on the Crystal Palace exhibition, the building of the Empire State Building, the gothic revival movement and Notre Dame and Viollet-le-duc, or Grand Prix racing in the early 20th century. This section must include at least 2 endnotes or footnotes that cite that book, and at least 2 relevant quotes from the time of the photograph.
The fourth paragraph should consist of a conclusion that ties the earlier paragraphs together and discusses the main photographs historical meaning.
The paper should also include a short bibliography of the sources, both books and internet, that you have employed, along with the 4 numbered illustrations with label information.
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