Rhetorical analysis about Tryst coffeeshop website ( http://www.trystdc.com/ )
Have a focused, controlling thesis that involves complex rather than superficial analysis
Thoroughly examine the speakers rhetorical strategies
? Focus most of the essay on the documents text
? Present credible, relevant, and fully explained evidence from the document in support of this thesis
? Avoid unnecessary information and details
? Contain adequate paraphrases of the document (in your own words)
? Quote accurately from the document (word for word)
? Effectively describe and analyze images in the document
? Show substantial differences between the initial and revised drafts
Organization: A passing essay must:
? Have an introduction that adequately introduces the document and gives an overview of its context (who the speaker or speakers are, who makes up the audience, and what exigence the speaker seems to be responding to)
? Have an interesting ending that brings the essay together or opens into new possibilities
? Make its structure clear to the reader through effective transitions, both at the paragraph and the sentence level
? Contain paragraphs that are logically organized internally (focused on a specific piece of your analysis)
? Avoid repeating ideas
Style: A passing essay must:
? Contain writing that is concise and clear and employ a tone and diction appropriate to an academic context
? Contain a variety of sentences patterns
? Contain few if any grammatical errors or typos
? Be typed in a standard 12 inch font, double-spaced, and at least 900 words long (no longer than 1000 words.
? Utilize a voice and tone appropriate for an academic audience
This rhetorical analysis is meant to help you learn the following outcomes/skills:
? Identify how the purpose of text is achieved through the choices a writer makes
? Evaluate the degree to which the argumentative choices a writer makes are effective and ethical
Determine the effects of point of view on an authors interpretation/argument Organize prose giving priority to more important ideas
? Demonstrate effective logical reasoning in written prose
? Incorporate paraphrases and quotations smoothly and honestly into writing
Some specific pointers and questions to guide your analysis:
? Print all elements of the website (whether by printing directly or by printing screen shots). Read and annotate any written text in the document.
? Closely examine visual elements (images, colors, layout, fonts, etc.). Use section in your handbook on analyzing visual texts for help.
? Determine the documents purpose (implicit or explicit). Is it making an argument?
Trying to persuade someone of something? Trying to sell something? Simply informing its audience on a topic?
? Determine the audience. Who does the document target? How can you tell? It will be very helpful to look at websites from other coffeeshops, libraries, and so on (within your category) so you can see what this site is doing differently.
? Who is the author or producer? Why might it matter? Is any bias present or possible?
Is the author/producer knowledgeable and reliable?
? How current is the document and its information? When was it published (or last updated/ revised)?? How complete and accurate is the information? Is anything missing?
? Examine the tone, purpose, organization/structure, point of view, and context of the documents text. What do these choices add?
? Look more closely at how the website is structured. How is it divided for ease of navigation? What choices were madewhat is included, and what is not? What do we learn from these choices?
? Examine the texts appeals to emotion, logic, and credibility. Read with a critical eyedon't just believe their hype, but consider what they're trying to get you to believe!
? Evaluate any claims made in the document. Are they fair? Is there any faulty reasoning in these claims?
? How are images, design, links, and other media incorporated? Are they appropriate?
Do they match what the text communicates, or do they contradict it?
? What features of design (color scheme, variations of font style and size, placement on the page, formal or playful lettering) seem to stand out? Do the design elements add to the function/ purpose of the document, or are they merely decorative?
? What is the overall message of the document? What does it attempt to do? Is it successful?
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