Thursday, 5 March 2015

Value Creation

Value Creation
Sellers create value for buyers in the form of providing leading edge technology, state of the art products, timely services, ease of buying, and quality of relationships, services, and products. These values are usually related to company finances (but not for all criteria, as compliance, safety, and other factors can be considered). Sellers will create value for you as the buyer, given the RFP you have selected, and then in turn you will create value for your buyer (client).
Taking into considerations the RFP you have selected to work with during this course, answer the following two questions in detail. Submit this assignment as one comprehensive MS Word document of no less than 200 words.
1. What are the most important value add criteria your sellers can provide you in order to make your project a success? 2. In turn, what value will you provide to your clients? Why should your clients select you as their future vendor?
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