Exploring factors influencing the demand for health care services and private health insurance in the context of the Affordable Care Act implementation
Part A: Select two of the following pairs and give examples of how the following can be substitute, describing and providing support for your answers:
-Physician and hospital services
-Physician services and pescription drugs
-Dentist and dental hygienist services
-Optometrist and ophthalmologist services
-Office manager and physician
Part B: Explain the tern "adverse selection" in your own words and then research and describe an example of where it has either occurred or been minimized in the context of an Affordable Care Act provision
Part A: Select two of the following pairs and give examples of how the following can be substitute, describing and providing support for your answers:
-Physician and hospital services
-Physician services and pescription drugs
-Dentist and dental hygienist services
-Optometrist and ophthalmologist services
-Office manager and physician
Part B: Explain the tern "adverse selection" in your own words and then research and describe an example of where it has either occurred or been minimized in the context of an Affordable Care Act provision
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