Thursday, 5 March 2015


Compare and contrast the articles WITHIN each type of method in relation to and consideration of:
1. The nature and assumptions of the questions asked by the researcher. (Did they ask good questions and how?)
2. A detailed examination of the processes of data collection for each article. (Did the authordescribe the details of data collection methods eg. number of interviews, the kinds of questions, the hours of observation, the way in which films were chosen their sampling, procedures etc.)? Have you learned anything about the data collection method from this
3. A critique of the data collection section in relation to what the researcher hoped to further understand. (Did the data collection plan relate well to the questions and interpretations? How? What other method(s) could be useful? Why?
4. An analysis of these FOUR articles for their research methods. Base on what we have learned in class and what you read in course textbook chapters on qualitative and quantitative data collection methods, analyze how these articles may inform (or not) you on the research design and method of your chosen topic. What did they have in common that was useful? How did they differ? What did you learn?
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