Thursday, 5 March 2015

Speech Communication Violation

Speech Communication Violation
As a researcher, you have been charged with engaging in Space Communication Violations. What is Space Communication Violation? Well, glad you asked. You are going to violate the space norms of someone you know. I say someone you know, because I certainly do not want you to get arrested the nonverbal norm of space. So, find someone you know and engage in varying the amount of space that you put between the two of you. Start with the norm of space between you, then change it slightly by being too close or too far away. What happens to the nature of the communication? How does the person change the way they communicate? How do they feel about the space violation? Do they change the way they communicate with, based on your nonverbal communication? In general, based on what you know from the entire chapter, what are the negative implications for spacial nonverbal communication and what pre the positive implications for engaging in effective nonverbal spacial communication?
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