Monday 25 May 2020

conduct the research that has been planned as per the Final Research Proposal

Part A
For this part of the task, you are required to demonstrate your capacity to review and evaluate 2 applied research methods and 3 data collection techniques. You will meet the CEO (Assessor) and discuss the Draft research proposal developed in AT1 and the research project’s requirements. You will:
1. Discuss each section of your proposal with the CEO, taking notes on their feedback.
2. Clarify your proposal and get the CEO’s confirmation to begin the research.
3. During the meeting you should make a point of using vocabulary that is appropriate.
4. The communication style that you use should be appropriate for a meeting with your company’s CEO (polite, business-like and respectful).
5. During the meeting, you are required to demonstrate effective communication skills including:
- Speaking clearly and concisely
- Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding
- Asking questions to identify required information
- Responding to questions as required.
- Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding
6. Ensure that you have a clear picture of what is required of you before concluding the meeting.
Part B
1. Following the meeting with the CEO (Assessor) in Part A, you are required to revise your research proposal developed in AT1. Make the necessary changes to the Research proposal and keep the final copy of Research Proposal for submission.
2. You are now required to conduct the research that has been planned as per the Final Research Proposal. You must take notes on the research you undertake to provide evidence of your research process in the next activity.
The notes should include:
a) Information from the websites visited.
b) Steps taken in data collection process.
c) The technology and technology services used in collecting data.
3. You are required to now document your research findings- You will present the same in a written MS Word format. The research report must include the following:
a) Summary: give an overview of your research findings, highlighting any surprising, important, or outlying results.
b) Methods: describe how you carried out the research, following the notes you took from the CEO (Assessor) in Part A
c) Results: these should be recorded as set out in your research proposal.
d) Analysis: describe the tools (including technology and technology services) that were used to analyse the data once it had been collected. Perform, and describe, statistical analysis of the data to identify possible trends and, where possible, to confirm the data’s reliability.
e) Impact: evaluate how your research findings could impact on the organisation’s learning strategy. If this includes changes to the organisation’s policies and procedures, suggestwhat these could be.
f) Accuracy: review your data and research findings for accuracy of details and adherence tothe company’s relevant policies and procedures.
g) Relevance: analyse your data and results against your original applied research strategy to establish its relevance.

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