Monday 25 May 2020

Electronic Medical Records (EMRS)

Electronic Medical Records (EMRS)
Electronic medical records (EMRs) document the healthcare provided to the patient using both unstructured clinical notes and structured data. Typically, these records are large, containing hundreds of documents about a single patient. To navigate the vast amounts of information about a patient, current EMR applications available to physicians either attempt to proactively summarize important patient information or they provide a more traditional search service that retrieves notes “relevant” to a given query. However, it may be possible to much more precisely (and automatically) answer very specific questions about the patient’s health, by providing short answers to natural language questions – perhaps supported by evidence. For e.g., “Why was the patient prescribed a certain drug?” or “Were there any complications of the patient's heart surgery?” could be answered with very specific phrases or passages from the EMR.
Discuss one benefit of using electronic medical records.
Discuss one issue/problem that could be caused using electronic medical records that would not be an issue/problem with paper record?

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