2. ______________________ is the name that Romans gave to non-Romans who spoke a different language that they couldn’t understand. It was these people who eventually invaded and conquered Rome, leading to its downfall.
3. ____________________ was one of the most important figures of the Protestant Reformation. He used a new invention called the __________________ to spread a document he wrote called the __________________, which contained his criticisms of the Catholic Church.
4. ________________________ are the body parts of Saints or objects associated with Jesus Christ, such as the crown of thorns. These items were seen as holy and worshipped by early Christians.
5. An important moment in the Christian story is when the angel ___________________ informed Mary that she would give birth to Jesus. This moment is known as the ___________________. This same angel also plays a central role in the Islamic story, with Muslims believing that the angel also revealed the Quran to the ________________________.
6. Two important concepts in the Quran are the idea that Jews, Christians and Muslims all worship the same God and can be called _____________________. Another important concept is that in the afterlife there will be a _____________________ with some going to eternal paradise and others going to eternal pain and torture in hell.
7. One of the major parts in the life of Jesus is known as the _____________________, when he faced a spiritual battle against Satan in the desert while fasting and meditating. Another religious figure, ________________, who lived centuries before Jesus, faced a similar spiritual battle on his path toward Enlightenment.
8. Even though Jesus is the central figure in Christianity, ____________________ were the true founders of the Christian Church. Both men were killed and became martyrs during Nero’s persecution of the Christians.
9. Christianity had to compete with several other pagan religions, such as the religion of the prophet ___________________ whose birthday was celebrated on December 25.
10. One of the biggest criticisms of the Catholic Church was that the Bible was forbidden to be translated into any other language than Latin, and most people couldn’t read Latin. People began to call for a ___________________, or a Bible in their own language, whether it was German, English, French, etc.
11. One of the most important figures in the history of Christianity was the Roman general and emperor ______________________. On the night before ________________________ he had a vision of the Christian cross in the sky and told his soldiers to paint the cross of their shields before the battle, believing that the Christian god would lead them to victory. When his soldiers won the battle and he became emperor, one of the first things he did was legalize the Christian religion with the ______________________.
12. The ___________________ was a holy war called by the pope in 1063 to reconquer Spain and retake it from the Muslims and turn it Christian again. ____________________ was a holy war called by the pope in 1095 to retake Jerusalem from the Muslims and reclaim it for Christianity.
13. The ______________________ is the name for the Christian ritual of drinking wine and eating bread to reenact the last supper of Jesus. ___________________ is the official doctrine of the Catholic Church which says that when the Bishop performs this ritual the bread and wine literally transform into body and blood.
14. _________________________ is one of the first attempts to logically argue and try to prove the existence of God.
15. ___________________ was a Christian who founded an influential religious order. His claim to fame was that he miraculously received the __________________, or the wounds of Christ.
16. ______________________, or the hatred and discrimination of Jewish people, started when Christians blamed them for crucifying Christ by choosing to free a criminal named __________________ instead of pardoning Jesus.
17. _____________________ means the official, true, correct belief of the Christian faith. ______________________ means the unofficial, false, incorrect beliefs that are not approved by the Church. If someone was accused of practicing the wrong type of Christianity they could face _______________________, or removal and exclusion from the Church.
18. ______________________ was an extremely influential thinker in the Christian faith who believed that it was much more important to please the soul than the body. He also championed several important ideas that are still part of Christianity today. One was the idea of __________________, or the idea that all humans are born with the sin committed by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. The other idea is known as _______________________, or the idea that life is too complex to have randomly evolved and must be the intentional result of a Creator.
19. Two of the most important locations in the history of Islam are _________________ and ________________. The first is the birthplace of Muhammad and the location of the sacred shrine/temple called the ______________________. The second location is where Muhammad moved to in the year 622 and began converting followers to his new faith.
20. One of the rallying cries of the Protestant Reformation was ____________________, or the idea that Christians didn’t need the Catholic Church or the Pope to be a good Christian and attain salvation in the afterlife. Once the Christian Church split into two opposing groups, Catholics and Protestants, they didn’t live in peace, but massacred each other in extremely bloody and brutal wars called the ______________________.
21. The _______________________ was a special court set up by the Catholic Church to find and punish those who did not practice the faith in the correct way or held blasphemous beliefs. One person who was interrogated by this court and burned alive was _____________________, a sixteen-year-old French peasant girl who claimed that God spoke to her.
22. ____________________ was an influential Christian thinker who revolutionized Christianity by infusing his faith with the logic and reason of Greek philosophy, specifically the teachings of Aristotle. He taught that the world and the body was not corrupt, but a beautiful part of God’s creation. He gave rise to a new strand of Christian learning called ____________________ which combined faith and reason.
23. One of the ways that Christianity survived and was able to spread was through a strict organizational structure, with ___________________ being the leaders of each church, and the _____________________ being the supreme leader of the entire Christian/Catholic faith.
24. The ______________________(meaning “rebirth”) was a movement within Christianity that attempted to combine Christian faith with Greek mythology and pagan learning. This was largely an artistic movement that saw many Christians painting scenes from Greek and Roman mythology, like the painting ______________________.
25. ____________________ is the name of the first barbarian king who converted to Christianity, setting the example that all barbarian kings would follow. Even a group of pagans from Scandinavia called the ______________who were known for raiding Christian communities and terrorizing Christian Europe eventually converted to Christianity.
26. The __________________ was a terrible disease that swept through Europe in the 1300s. Christians blamed Jews for spreading the disease and massacred entire Jewish towns in acts of Anti-Semitic violence known as ___________________. This time period was so full of death and despair it gave rise to an artistic motif called the _______________________, which depicted people of all ranks and walks of life marching to the grave.
27. One of the first major beliefs of the Christian church that caused debate and dissension was the idea of the ___________________, or the concept that God was three things in one: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
28. The pope called many crusades against the supposed “enemies of Christ,” but one of the darkest moments was when he called a crusade against a group of Christians and ordered their exile and death. This is known as the ______________________.
29. One of the episodes that made many Christians lose faith in the Catholic Church was the ______________________, or the moment when there were three popes and no one knew who the legitimate pope was.
30. Which is an example of Gothic Architecture and which is an example of Romanesque Architecture?
The above is an example of _______________________________.
The above is an example of _______________________________.
Question 31 = 10 points
• Respond to the following question in a short reply (roughly 200 words)
Question: Do you consider yourself more of a Plato (“Up” person) or more of an Aristotle (“Down” person)? A Plato is someone who believes that the soul and the metaphysical realm is more important than the body and the physical world. An Aristotle believes that the body is more important than the soul, and the physical world that we can see is more important than what we can’t see (Heaven, soul, etc.). Has this class changed your views? Or reinforced them?
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