Monday, 28 August 2017

*Between what ages would a TESOL teacher teach activities to ''Build motor skills?''

*Between what ages would a TESOL teacher teach activities to ''Build motor skills?''
*Because children at the age of 6 enjoy learning by playing games what should a TESOL teacher incorporte in All lessons?
*At what age do children begin to feel picked on and are terrified of not being liked? How should a teacher assist in overcoming this problem?
*What is language distance? And which language is more distant from English: Korean or Spanish? Why?
*In lesson planning for children why is it extemely important to be well prepared and have back-up activities already planned?
*Why play games in the TESOL classroom?
*Explain how you play games when your students can't  speak English?
*List 3 ways flashcards can be used.
*What are the advantages of using Board games in the TESOL classroom?
*Develop Intermediate level questions for a game of "Tic Tac Toe"(pls make 9 intermediate level questions for children.if a student answers a question correctlu,s/he will get a chance to mrk X or O on the could be about grammar,vocabulary,punctuation,sentence construction,etc.)
*Why should 'Pair work' games be used often in TESOL teaching?
*What is the advantage of using 'team games' in the TESOL classroom?
*Why must team games be carefully monitored?
*Create or adapt a 'team game' for Upper beginner students. List all resources and the age and level of your students.(create an appropriate team game for upper beginner students.)
*Why are running games especially good for younger children?
*Create a card game to teach 5 names of animals to Beginner students. Include all resources.(Create an appropriate card game for beginner students to teach 5 animal names)
*Create full 45 minute lesson plan, using the ATA Lesson Plan Template, for Beginner students, include 2 different game tasks and all resources.(pls follow ATA lesson plan template)
*What types of songs are best to use in the TESOL classroom?
*Choose a song that could be used in a Beginner lesson plan to teach animals. Explain the reasons why you chose that song.
*Choose a song that could be used in an Upper Beginner lesson plan to teach different types of 'Transport'. Explain the reasons why you chose that song.
*Create a lesson plan to teach 'Body parts' to Beginner children. Make one task a song and one activity a game. Include all resources.(pls follow the ATA lesson plan template)
*Create a playlist of 10 songs. List what level an topic you would teach for each song.(you may research this online by typing "ESL songs for children" you may also try this link:
*What form of artwork is best for children's homework?
*List 3 ways the use of English can be optimized when using colouring tasks.(list 3 ways on how you can use English with colouring tasks.for example matching word with pictures)
*List 10 themes you could use for colouring tasks.(any themes which are appropriate for children such as animals,Christmas,Clothing so on.)
*Create colouring worksheets for each of your cloruring themes in question above Develop a differen task for each worksheet which incorporates colouring.( you may get coloring worksheets on the internet and eaxch one should hace a task. if the worksheet you foung online doesnt have a task, then you will have to make one for it.its also acceptable if you dont create the physical worksheets but be sure to put the topic and explain the contents and tasks in detail.)
*Create a 45 minute lesson plan for 'Upper Beginner' children for any appropriate topic of your choice. Include a game, song and colouring task and all resources.(pls follow the ATA lesson plan template)
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