Friday 27 February 2015

Criminal Defenses and Criminal Punishments

Criminal Defenses and Criminal Punishments
1. Specify the key points involved in the court determining the lawfulness of the use of force. Next, evaluate the level of objectivity inherent in each point that you have specified. (Try to pick a real-life case, preferably in Florida).
2. Determine the fundamental difference between the castle doctrine and stand your ground types of criminal defenses. Justify the validity of each, and provide one (1) example of each to support your response. (Pick a real case in Florida, can be the same of different).
3. Analyze the overall role that double jeopardy clause plays within the trial system. Next, evaluate the general level of fairness of double jeopardy to the defense. Provide a rationale to support your response. (use a case, if possible)
4. Specify the basic features of adversarial system. Next, support or critique the value of the adversarial system within the criminal law system in the United States. Justify your response.
5. Argue for or against the right to a speedy trial, as guaranteed by the Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Provide a rationale to support your response. (Assume the reader already knows the 6th Amendment).
6. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources/references in this assignment. 1. Specify the key points involved in the court determining the lawfulness of the use of force. Next, evaluate the level of objectivity inherent in each point that you have specified. (Try to pick a real-life case, preferably in Florida).
2. Determine the fundamental difference between the castle doctrine and stand your ground types of criminal defenses. Justify the validity of each, and provide one (1) example of each to support your response. (Pick a real case in Florida, can be the same of different).
3. Analyze the overall role that double jeopardy clause plays within the trial system. Next, evaluate the general level of fairness of double jeopardy to the defense. Provide a rationale to support your response. (use a case, if possible)
4. Specify the basic features of adversarial system. Next, support or critique the value of the adversarial system within the criminal law system in the United States. Justify your response.
5. Argue for or against the right to a speedy trial, as guaranteed by the Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Provide a rationale to support your response. (Assume the reader already knows the 6th Amendment).
6. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources/references in this assignment.
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