Social media has caused a negative impact in today’s society by creating psychological social issues in millennials, cyberbullying, and reinforcing criminal activity.
Please copy word by word anything, any citation used needs to be in the proper citation but paraphrased.
Using these Sources.
Glaser, P., Liu, J. H., Hakim, M. A., Vilar, R., & Zhang, R. (2018).
Is social media use for networking positive or negative? offline social capital and internet addiction as mediators for the relationship between social media use and mental health.New Zealand Journal of Psychology (Online), 47(3), 12-18.
Grau, S., Kleiser, S., & Bright, L. (2019).
Exploring social media addiction among student millennials. Qualitative Market Research, 22(2), 200-216.
MacAvaney, S., Yao, H.-R., Yang, E., Russell, K., Goharian, N., & Frieder, O. (2019).
Hate speech detection: Challenges and solutions. PLoS ONE, 14(8), e0221152.
Pinto, M. B., & Mansfield, P. M. (2013).
The millennial generation's use of social media as a complaint method: An application to higher education. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 13(1), 11-26
Procentese, F., Gatti, F., & Napoli, I. D. (2019). Families and social media use The role of parents’ perceptions about social media impact on family systems in the relationship between family collective efficacy and open communication. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(24)
Twenge, J. M. (2013). Does online social media lead to social connection or social disconnection. Journal of College and Character, 14 (1), 11-20.
Van Hee, C., Jacobs, G., Emmery, C., Desmet, B., Lefever, E., Verhoeven, B., ...Hoste, V. (2018). Automatic detection of cyberbullying in a social media text. PLoS ONE, 13(10), e0203794.
Paraphrase: “Seven and a half hours consistently is the amount of time that adolescents spend on the web or mobile devices according to a discovery that the Kaiser Family foundation has made.” (Twenge, J. M. 2013). Paraphrase: “Claims have been made that social media disengage individuals as opposed to interface them” (Twenge, J. M. 2013).
Paraphrase: According to Twenge, J.M., In Hong Kong teenagers from the ages 12 to 18 were part of a study and the individuals who utilized the Internet more hours a week bound to take part in antisocial and illegal acts and less inclined to help other people.
Paraphrase: According to Twenge, J.M., it was found that poor grades, smoking cigarettes or marijuana, the consumption of alcohol, and the emotions of sadness or hopelessness was due to the use of the internet by troublesome students from the U.S Paraphrase: According to Twenge, J.M. some explorations proposes that investing energy on social media, for example, Facebook, prompts narcissism.
Paraphrase: According to Grau, S., Kleiser, S., & Bright, L. (2019), individuals may feel frightened of the possibility of not being updated or separating from their group of friends if they don’t stay connected to social media.
Paraphrase: According to Grau, S., Kleiser, S., & Bright, L. (2019), Millennial undergrads, are particularly more invested in the use of social media apps regularly for the sole purpose of staying connected with friends.
Paraphrase: According to Grau, S., Kleiser, S., & Bright, L. (2019), individuals have easy access on their cell phones to open social media apps an unlimited amount of times throughout the day.
Paraphrase: According to Pinto, M. B., & Mansfield, P. M. (2013) compared to those of past ages, Millennials were brought up in a time period surrounded by technology.
Paraphrase: According to Pinto, M. B., & Mansfield, P. M. (2013) in 2004 Facebook began with the sole purpose of college communication and has lured about 800 million participants.