Wednesday 22 April 2020

The Rate of Microbial Death – Describe the four factors which influence the effectiveness of antimicrobial treatment.

1. 21. Chapter 7: The Rate of Microbial Death – Describe the four factors which influence the effectiveness of antimicrobial treatment.
2. 22. Chapter 7: Moist Heat – Describe why sterilization indicators are important.
3. 23. Chapter 7: Alcohols – Explain why 70% or 80% alcohol is more effective than 100% in controlling microorganisms.
4. 24. Chapter 7: Microbial Characteristics of Microbial Control – Explain why prions, endospores, and mycobacteria are more resistant to control mechanisms.
5. Chapter 20: The Spectrum of Antimicrobial Activity – Define spectrum of activity, broad-spectrum antibiotic, and superinfection.
6. Chapter 20: Tetracyclines – Describe this group of drugs.
7. Chapter 20: Antifungal Drugs – Agents Affecting Fungal Cell Walls – Describe how selective toxicity may be achieved with these drugs.
8. Chapter 20: Tests to Guide Chemotherapy – Provide a summary of diffusion methods for drug testing.
9. Chapter 21: Bacterial Diseases of the Skin - Streptococcal Skin Infections – Describe the types of skin infections associated with Streptoococci.
10. Chapter 21: Infections by Pseudomonads – Summarize the types of infection associated with this group.
11. Chapter 21: Parasitic Infestation of the Skin – Describe scabies and pediculosis.
12. Chapter 21: Trachoma – Describe the organism and the disease.

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