Sunday, 1 February 2015

The Reproduction of Daily Life

The Reproduction of Daily Life
Describe all the elements of the article in as much concrete detail as possible.
What do you think is the overall argument of the article?
What is the purpose(s) of the argument?
How does the writer want the audience to think and/or act differently having read the article?
Who do you think is the specific audience of the article?
What prompted the argument (i.e., what is its exigence)? That is, why did the writer take the time to produce this particular article at the particular time s/he did?
What rhetorical strategies operate in this text (list each one in turn)?
What are the effects of these rhetorical strategies on the persuasiveness of the article?
What is the primary claim, and what are the supporting claims in the article?
What type of support is used: appeals, evidence, examples?
What counterarguments or concessions are made in the article?
What would you like your readers to learn or think about in reading your analysis of the article?
What specific and unique perspective can you share about this article?
What will be your argument for this paper?
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