Saturday, 31 January 2015

case study that illustrates the holistic nature of care.

case study that illustrates the holistic nature of care.
CASE STUDY: Mr M - Age:13
Diagnosis problems:
Deletion 22Q11 syndrome
Born with laryngael web 98% occlusion
Has Montagomery T tube
Tracheal suction.
(more details will be given later)
Learning outcomes:
Explain how the human body systems are controlled and regulated
Recognize and interpret key psychological concepts
Compare and contrast sociological theories and approaches
You must : Apply anatomical and physiological knowledge to patient/client care scenarios
Relate psychological concepts to patient/client scenarios
Identify psychological responses in patients/clients
Evaluate sociological theories
Interpret sociological theories and approaches and relate to patient/client care scenarios
Guidelines For This Assessment:
A brief history of the individual you have chosen to focus on
An account of what the term 'bio-psycho-social- means and how this relates to holistic care
A description of how factors specific to the individual and their current health status affect the alters 'normal' biology, psychology, and sociology.
Some consideration of how the above description relates to your personal and practice experience and related to this : A summary of the way in which what you have learnt might affect your future practice in terms of knowledge and attitudes.
The essay should be fully referenced using the Harvard system- refer to the university referencing guidelines for full details.
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