Saturday, 31 January 2015

Research Paper, Health sciences and medicine: Health Care Paper

Research Paper, Health sciences and medicine: Health Care Paper
Include an introduction paragraph that introduces the topic and describes the main ideas of the paper. This paragraph should be 4-5 sentences in length.
The last sentence of this paragraph should be your thesis statement. A thesis statement clearly states what your paper will cover. 
Pick out 1 best and 1 worst component from EACH countrys health care system from Sick around the world. 
In other words, for EACH country's health care system you will choose 1 component you think is the best and 1 component you think is the worst (or most problematic) component. This requirement should only take up 1 paragraph within your paper. Include no more than 1-2 sentences per country. Do NOT summarize each countrys health care system. Only include what you feel represents the best and the worst component of each system.
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Discuss previous problems with the U.S. health care system from part 1 of the health care reform video (Links to an external site.). Choose what you think were the 2 biggest problems with our health care system before the Affordable Care Act was passed. Be sure to include:
A brief explanation of your chosen problems.
This section should include a minimum of 3 content-based sentences for each problem. Sentences that describe the problem are content-based. Sentences that simply state something is a problem do NOT count as content-based material. 
Pick out 1 best and 1 worst component of the Affordable Care Act. Part 2 of the health care reform video (Links to an external site.) will help you decide which components you want to research further. 
Describe each component.
Include who benefits and who may not benefit from each component.
Find and cite this information from reliable, unbiased sources. A list of good sources is available above.
This section should include a minimum of 3 content-based sentences for each component. Sentences that describe the component are content-based. Sentences that simply state something as a component do NOT count as content-based material. 
Integration of Sick around the world with health care reform in the United States.
Pick 1 component from Sick around the world that is currently being integrated into the American health care system. Answer the following 3 questions in your discussion:
How is the United States integrating this component into health care reform efforts?
What is your personal opinion of the implications of using this component as a solution in America?
What are potential barriers to using this component as a solution in America?Click Here For More Details on How to Work on this Paper......
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