Saturday, 31 January 2015

health inequalities

health inequalities
using graphs based on stats Provide and analyse up to date evidence which demonstrates the variations in health between different groups based on social class, gender and ethnicity. This can be written in a set of bullet point notes under the headings Social Class Health Inequalities; Gender Health Inequalities; Ethnicity & Health Inequalities. Include statistics or graphical information to show the inequalities you are an
To achieve a distinction you will need to ensure you provide excellent levels of accurate information in your answers, which demonstrate exceptional levels of understanding and knowledge of the range of different ethical dilemmas. You need to be able to demonstrate consistently high levels of precision and insight and in the clarity of expression within your explanations and analysis. Your analysis will include an explanation of relevant statistical data and will make links to causal factors. Your answers must be informed by extensive wider reading, which must be referenced in text accurately and consistently.
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