Saturday, 31 January 2015

Technology and Organisation: Society and Risk

Technology and Organisation: Society and Risk
1. Find an example of a debate or controversy surrounding a particular technology (not one that may be detailed in the lecture or seminars) and use the concepts of interpretative flexibility and relevant social groups (from SCOT) to discuss some of the different perspectives on its past, current and/or future development.
2. Choose a specific example of a technological disaster (not Bhopal) and examine it critically in relation to Becks (1992) notion of the Risk Society.
3. Examine some of the arguments found in the heated ethical debate surrounding human cloning.
4. Choose an example of technology and discuss its development and/or use in relation to the question of risk. (n.b. What Im looking for here is NOT a GENERAL discussion on risk but rather a DETAILED discussion about how the development and/or use of a SPECIFIC technology has been influenced by particular concerns over the risks associated with it.)
5. Illustrating your argument with suitable examples examine the ways in which risk analysis can be seen to shape individuals lives (for example, informing various decisions or lifestyle choices they might make), thereby representing a technology of the self.
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