Saturday, 31 January 2015

Comparison between GOs and NGOs, working to conserve or preserve biodiversity and the environment

Comparison between GOs and NGOs, working to conserve or preserve biodiversity and the environment
Efforts to conserve and preserve species and habitats rely on citizens, conservation organizations and governments to act in various ways.
Organizations that work to conserve or preserve biodiversity and the environment may be local or global or both. There are national branches and regional and local offices of the large international organizations. They also fall into two categories depending on their constitution and funding. Governmental organizations (GOs) may be intergovernmental or part of a national government; non-governmental (NGOs) may be international or local and funded by individuals or groups.
Using your textbook (Name of textbook: Environmental Systems and Societies, from: the Oxford IB Diploma Programme) and other sources compare and contrast the role and activities of intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations in preserving and restoring ecosystems and biodiversity.
Consider the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) as an intergovernmental organization and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and Greenpeace as non-governmental organizations.
Start off by giving a detailed description of the organization. Identify their difference in terms of use of the media, speed of response, diplomatic constraints and political influence.
While researching the information listed above, go to page 125 and make sure to find the answers to the questions listed on that page.
General Requirements:
In two pages, describe each organization and explain their differences. Incorporate the answers to the question on page.125
(The instructions on page 125 are:
Focus on the WWF and Greenpeace
Go to and
Find out:
1) What WWF stands for
2) Why do you think WWF has a panda as its logo?
3) For both WWF and Greenpeace, find out:
a. Who they are
b. What they do
c. Where they work
d. How they work
4) Find the nearest WWF project to where you live. (I live in Miami, FL)
5) a. What are Greenpeace's main biodiversity campaigns?
b. Choose one and identify one aspect (e.g. whales). Describe an action Greenpeace has taken to draw international attention to the issue. (end of instructions on page. 125)
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