Saturday, 31 January 2015

Interpersonal Conflicts

Interpersonal Conflicts
In reality, the evolution of a conflict rarely follows a distinguishable pattern, because there are so many different scenarios and variables involved. However, there are four common characteristics of interpersonal conflicts (found on pgs. 3-4 of your main text). Expound upon these features and discuss the possible consequences of not dealing with interpersonal conflict (when these characteristics are present), as you have experienced personally or witnessed in the experiences of others.
here's the 4 characteristics from the text book.
We define interpersonal conflict as a problematic situation with the following four unique characteristics.
1. the conflicting parties are interdependent
2. they have the perception that they seek incompatible goals or outcomes or they favor incompatible means to the same ends
3. the perceived incompatibility has the potential to adversely affect the relationship if not addressed
4. there is a sense of urgency about the need to resolve the difference.
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