Thursday, 19 February 2015

Find a recent NEWs article (from the past 6 months) (3 pts) that discusses a published scientific discovery

Find a recent NEWs article (from the past 6 months) (3 pts) that discusses a published scientific discovery (3 pts) where a bacterium (2 pts) is involved (please do not mix bacterium up with viruses or other microbes). This bacterium could be a pathogen or a beneficial microbe. The roles that it plays could be any of those mentioned in the Microbes & Their Roles in Human Life slides in Week 4. You have to find this news article from a popular but trustworthy media source (e.g. New York Times, Science News, Science Daily, National Public Radio) (3 pts).
Read through this article, and organize your answers to the following questions into an essay with no less than 500 words (3 pts):
1. Report name of the media source, author(s) of the article and date of the publication. Determine if the author is an actual scientist by googling his or her curriculum vitae or visit the linkedin web. What is the authors current affiliated institution? What is his or her qualification? What makes this article trustworthy to you? (8 pts) Science Daily articles often do not show the author names, but link that article to the Media Center of a research institution. When you click on the Materials of the Story Source, you can often find the actual author of the story. If you cannot find name of the author, please search a different article. You might find it helpful when you watch the Effective Google Search Techniques video in the Resources folder.
2.What bacterium was discussed in the article (2 pts)? Please report its name in the correct format (See the resources folder, 2 pts). Explain what the genus name and species name literally mean (4 pts). If multiple bacterial species were mentioned in the article, you can choose one that you like. If you cannot find a genus name or species name, please look for a different article.
3.What role does the bacterium normally play? What role did it play in the reported study? Name one microbe from the Week 4 slides that plays a similar/same role (9 pts).
4.Please summarize the news article with no more than 150 words of your own (8 pts).
5.In one sentence, what is the authors conclusion? Please identify various elements of scientific method to help me understand how the conclusion was made, including but not limited to the critical question, hypothesis, independent variable, dependent variable, and experimental control group(s)(15 pts). If multiple experiments were mentioned in the article, you can choose one experiment to do the analysis.
6.Please report where the study has been published and cite the scholarly article both in-text (please get help from Week 5 slides) and in the reference list using the correct APA format (8 pts). Examples can be found on the Citation Guideline page in the Resources folder.
7.Do you see anything non-scientific or unreliable about the information presented in the article? Do you believe some statements are over exaggerated? Do you see any limitations of the experiment(s) reported in the article? What do you think is the next step for the scientists to proceed (10 pts)?
8.Why did you choose this article other than that it meets all requirement of this assignment? What is the importance of the reported study to the human society? How may this research help the financially disadvantaged
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