Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Barbara Branden begins her article Efficient Thinking with a letter. Who was that letter by

1) Barbara Branden begins her article Efficient Thinking with a letter. Who was that letter by? Why do you think Branden included the letter in her article? What was this letter meant to illustrate about the nature of thinking?
2) What does Barbara Branden say about Front-Seat vs. Back-Seat driving? What are the characteristics of each and how does that apply to thinking? What are some examples of "back seat driving" you have seen in your own life?
3) Barbara Branden talks about a scale or continuum by which we can measure a persons level of focus. What are some of the characteristics of the side of the scale that is Unfocused and what are some of the characteristics of the side of the scale that is Focused? Given her explanation of this, would you say that our ability to focus resembles an ON/OFF light switch or is more like a dimmer light switch? Why?
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