Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Power system economics, markets and asset management

Power system economics, markets and asset management
This assignment concerns the present day situation and trends in the use of electrical energy. You are required to investigate and report present day or recent figures for the following:
annual consumption of electrical energy;
annual peak demand for electric power; and
the proportion of the electrical energy that comes from generators of different types.
You should report the above for two different countries, one of which should be the United Kingdom. You should then find out what trends in annual electrical energy consumption and peak demand are forecast for those countries. Finally, you should comment on the following:
the comparison in the intensity of electrical energy use between the two countries; and
how the growth in electricity demand can be expected to be met in the two countries and what the particular challenges are achieving it.
The assignment should be presented on no more than 2 sides of A4 including any relevant tables and charts. The list of references and sources of information, properly formatted, can go on a third page.
In this assignment you should pay close attention to the following:
All sources of data, information, charts, figures, tables and commentaries must be properly acknowledged
and full reference details given.
Figures, charts and tables should be properly labelled and quantities given correct units.
You should use what can reasonably be regarded as reputable, published English language sources of information. Sources that are produced anonymously or are not attributed to governments, international agencies, companies or named, reputable individuals should be treated with circumspection.
You will need to read a lot more than 2 pages in the course of your research. However, because you should report your findings and comments on only 2 sides of A4 (plus a 3rd page for the reference list), you will need to think carefully about what are the most important aspects and issues to include.
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